
Hi everyone! I'm currently writing a new ff! I hope you guys can wait for the next chapter of Priya! This new ff is really something to the point where I myself was really intrigued. Well because it kinda connected to my current situation hehe


Hi everyone! I'm currently writing a new ff! I hope you guys can wait for the next chapter of Priya! This new ff is really something to the point where I myself was really intrigued. Well because it kinda connected to my current situation hehe


I am upset and disappointed at myself. Because I left my laptop inside the taxi cab and I don't know if I can retrieve it but let's all hope that the driver will have a kind heart and give it back. My laptop is so damn precious to me + my aunt bought it for me as a gift. I don't want to disappoint her as well and most of all, I don't want to disappoint my readers! I usually save the next chapters through my notes so I can edit my story on wattpad to publish it immediately ++ I have a lot of stories and drafts there:( +++ MY KTL CD IS INSIDE!


I feel so bad for my fellow filipino blinks.. I have a friend that joined the list in Shopee only to be evicted from the list and it's unfair! They prioritized the celebrities and influencers first rather than the blinks who payed thousands of pesos just to meet their idols! The worst part is some blinks were crying and the staff were laughing! I hope shopee ph will rot in hell for that! They don't deserve the money and blackpink's promotion.