
Thank you, everyone, for one thousandth followers! I honestly don't know what to say or do! I can't thank anyone enough! I never though I, out of all people, would reach this milestone. I can't thank you guys enough, for staying by my side. Through all my mental breakdowns and achievements. And now it's  amazing how, in reality, I'm a nobody, the loser who sits in the back of the class. But here, people like me! I get to be myself, the cringey loser is gone as soon as I log on to this site! I have fans (That sounds egotistical, I prefer to see you all as my friends!) who like my stories, no matter how bad they are, and that's great! I'll wrap this up now, seeing it's getting a little long. Sorry, its kinda everywhere, I'm kinda in shock at the moment! I'll try harder to update more often, and work harder than before. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for everything!


Howdy! :3


@Sansational_Sanspai Thank you! Im glad you like them 


I love all your stories! There amazing!!


Hi, could you start updating the one-shots book please. I know it says on hold but it hasn't been updated for quite a few months. So if you started updating it again it would be greatly appreciated!


@Rainbowh20 unfortuantly,  no, Ive moved onto other stories


Could you make another book?


Can you please make the sequel to bruise,beaten Skylox book . Befor you say your not in the minecraft fandom , it's about the story your able to create , what adventures these characters you control  go on . So use the creativity . You had a great starter for it and you promised us . Give it a try and see how it turns out . You never know till you try 


@MacyMae6 You're welcome, I'll most likely start it when I finish one of my current stories


 I completely understand . Stress is a horrible thing to have . And your welcome , but thank you  for saying you'll continue it . (I can't wait :) ) 


@MacyMae6 That's an amazing way to think about it, thank you. I did make a promise, and I was very proud of that story. I think I will do it, all because of your comment, thank you. 
            I won't start it right away, however, I don't want to take on too many stories at once and over stress myself. I hope you understand.