Go get it and please leave reviews!


Hello I hope you are doing well
          Have you finished father of flames elsewhere.... Its still in chapter one here 


@rayshni1 I'm doing well.
            Unfortunately, no, I haven't finished it. Sorry. I don't know if I will b/c I've been busy trying to sell my published books and it didn't seem like anyone was reading/interested in that series.


Hello! I just want to start to say that I love the THE PHOENIX TRILOGY SERIES so much I bought the first two books from Amazon! But I realized I can’t find the last book? Is it not out yet?


@PassionateLaughter13 Really? Thank you so much! Have you left a rating and/or review on the first book and I haven't seen it yet?
            No. The 3rd one's not out yet--that's next year. But I have little short stories to (maybe) tie you over. The next companion short story will be out in October.


Thanks for adding my book to your recommend list! I hope everything is going good with you and your family. 


@JRShepherd Hey! I thought I already had, but saw the other day I was wrong.
            Everything is good here! I hope it's the same over there!


          Just finished the three LOTR's books you wrote. I want to first say I enjoyed them immensely. And I ask you not to view the next thing I say as criticism.
          As compressed as they were I have to say you crafted the story extremely well. I raise my glass to toast you. :) 
          I would like to ask you if you have any thoughts of continuing the story. You may think that you brought it to conclusion. And that is not wrong, however the way you concluded it in the last book leaves a possibility of Rowan to be able to return to middle earth. 
          If she were to have another accident, a fatal one and wake up again in middle earth, as a blessing from the Valar or Eru say just a day or two before she would be laid to rest.
          You could go on with the story and bring her life to completion there instead of leaving it as love lost after all her struggles. 
          And yes I like happy endings :).  
          Just something to consider. 


@Magicinreading I understand the reasoning behind how you ended the last book that is not exactly what I was getting at.
            1. Not only would it be a surprise to have he return via a terminal accident.
            but it would open up another vista of story lines. You could even merge it with your newest book you are writing. Enjoying it BTW. 
            2. You could if you had the desire have other people from say Harry Potter phase on and out of the story line.
            3. When Estel was crowned Gandalf's words were may his days be blessed not that all evil was eradicated from middle earth.
            4. Rowan is not just a happy ending, she is a bridge to a series that could be published. Yes I think you writing and style is that good.
            4. It's my aim in life to encourage talent when I see it.
            5. I've got my own book to finish. And it's hard enough. You already know how you would have everyone feed into each other.
            If would make a poor attempt at mirroring you verbiage and it would wind up a mess that I would not finish.
            6. You truly don't have to do it, I only ask that you consider the possibility of what it could become.
            But do consider publishing what you have.


@Magicinreading Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed them!
            But, ARGH! DON'T GIVE ME IDEAS ABOUT CONTINUING THE STORY! I don't need another distraction! :)
            Your suggestion sounds awesome and doable, and I also like happy endings (esp when it comes to romance), but I think Rowan's ending is right for her because she ends up accepting who she is/her place. (Also, there are so many stories where the love interests stay together no matter what and I wanted something different.)
            But for you to suggest I continue the story means Rowan and her story got to you/made enough of an impression where you start imagining 'what ifs'. That means so much to me, because I did my job as a storyteller. THANK YOU! *hug*
            And, hey, if you really want to know, write your own continuation. It would be fun for me to see where you take Rowan.


Hi! I read a few from your book "A spark of hope" a d I'm looking forward to start it properly! I've just started writing, long after some ideas of sw fanfictions have come to my mind after tros. Would you like to give my books a try?
          I have one alternative ending, where Ben had lived entitled "The Grey reborn" . The book is about his farther redemption, how he tries to atone for what he had done, and how he and Rey are trying to find a way to bring balance in the galaxy .