I do write a bit, but not too much.
I love horses! I've ridden a bunch of 'em, but I've stuck to one for the past three years or so. She's a 16.2 hand bay thoroughbred, with a heart on her forehead. Maraschino has a nice face for a thoroughbred. She can jump three foot, but she has a slightly bowed tendon that prevents her from going higher. I also love a little 14 hand Quarter Pony. Little black rescue named Sebastian. He's the first horse I've deeply bonded with,
Unfortunately, this adorable little pony has been sold.
I started to work on another tiny pony, a imported English pony standing at about 13 hands. Probably shorter. He was naughty, but after a few weeks of me riding him, he's improved! My riding instructor says it's mostly because of me! <3
I'm a hunter jumper, and I'm the best rider at my barn.

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  • California! :D
  • IscrittoOctober 31, 2011


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xXNoRegretsXx xXNoRegretsXx Feb 10, 2016 07:06AM
Oml I just came on to read my old story and wow it is awful 
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