Hey guys as some of you know I will be turning 14 this month and I am not ready to go into highschool because of one problem that most people don't think is that major but to me it is because it has happened to me and both of my sisters. It is this thing that most people don't make a big deal about called bullying. So today I was in my 3rd period teen leadership class that I am required to take and we wrote speeches about something in our school or community that needed to be changed and what we would do to change it. The first thing that popped up in my head was bullying. I started off by saying why people should think a little more about what they say about people whether it is behind their back or to their face. It hurts every one who is bullied or has been bullied. Then I said we could use positivity against a bully. Then I quoted my favorite tv show called girl meets world and said, "People change people." It's the secret of life. Most bullies don't notice this but because of their actions other people harm themselves. Some say they aren't worthy of anything. Most people that think this way develope depression. I know the feeling. I build up so much anger against myself because of a bully and other people and when I finally let I little boil out of the pot I get yelled at which just adds two times what I lost. I could go on forever about this topic and not make any difference so I am going to stop myself there. If any of you ever need to talk and you don't have my number shoot me a private message and I continuously check it so unless I am at school I should respond pretty quickly. Guess that's all for now. My little lessen of the day. Bye.
-Someone who carea