
Chapter 7 of Sawyer's Seduction is up guys!


Hey guys!
          Quick little PSA to everyone who has been following the story Lust.  I am going to be officially renaming the story Sawyer's Seduction.  I am currently looking for someone who does awesome covers and trying to find a cover that matches the intensity of the story.  If you know anyone who makes dope covers, please PM me.   Until then, it'll still be titled Lust and it should be updated  soon!


Hey guys!  It's been awhile.  I'm not going to give a long speech on why I was gone but just know life ate me up. But, I'm going to be home bound for a few weeks due to a surgery so that's all time for me to be writing.  An update for BMN is coming tonight.  I'm editing the chapter and it should be out soon!  You guys miss Dalton and Devin?