
xenonzy, we happened to notice you've given our story a chance. thanks for your stylish button-pressing voting on the new edit of  The Vampire's Crimson Kiss. 
          Given your extensive reading lists it's a real honour! 
          hug s Reb+RK


Thank you for voting on my story, "Falling For His Nanny" :)


@xenonzy Thank you! Glad to know you enjoyed it. Declan's story is currently ongoing if you want to check it out :)
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@jj31030 You're Welcome  I enjoy the story. Now currently scrolling for your other books.
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          Mad love and appreciation for choosing to read and vote for How Deep the Roots Go! I am so very thankful for the support.
          Are you enjoying Temperance's story?


            You have singlehandedly made my day!
            I am so grateful for your thoughts, reads and votes!
            Please be sure to follow me as I'll be posting news about current works on my profile.
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            -i just finished the books(1&2) and i really enjoy the stories. Thanks for the job well done. Its thrilling and mysterious even though not that complicated. I like that it is not predictative or cliche. A simple yet warm romance, it is achievement that must be proud of. I'm  hoping for  another stories to come. Keep on writing i enjoy the journey☺️☺️☺️
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            Your input is welcomed. I do hope you love Temperance's journey!
            I loved writing it.
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Arigatou xenonzy for including The Man between my crosshairs on to your reading list .Reading that again it looks a bit weird. but as new writers always get a buzz each and every time someone comes across our work. You're a wonderful person and it's lovely to have you as a reader. 
          It really means a lot to us RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener  Welcome and thanks! although sorry 4 the late reply!
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Thanks so much for reading and voting on Star Blessed!


Awesome! I hope you enjoy it! 
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@heater0387  your welcome!!
            I'm going to start reading the opal witch! 
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