
ce message peut être offensant
wow it's been a whole year since ive done anything here
          	for anyone that cares, here's a few life updates;
          	-i have two significant others! poly squad babey~
          	-i get my learner's permit this year!!! heckin fInaLLy
          	-ive figured out my dream colleges and what my degree is most likely going to be
          	-my dad moved out
          	-i am hopefully going to be section leader in the marching band 
          	-and i am still an awkward little shit!
          	i also officially have a tumblr and am thinking about making an insta for random stuff but who knows? not meeee
          	but yeah, i got a comment on TL and i was rereading and.. wow. okay. i left literally everyone hanging that's so awful of me i am so sorry
          	aaand this is me saying that i mayhaps bee thinking about publishing the next chapters on a semi-regular basis? including one-shots that I just forgot to finish? and maybe continuing the book that nobody reads anyways bc i like it still? jdjdksks
          	but yeah! hi! im alive!


Glad your life’s going well right now and I hope it stays that way. I can’t wait for more chapters 


i just seen this now but i’m glad to see that things are going well for you (i hope they still are !!) miss you


@keiraamae  don't worry, im working on it! it should be up within a week or two ❤️


ce message peut être offensant
wow it's been a whole year since ive done anything here
          for anyone that cares, here's a few life updates;
          -i have two significant others! poly squad babey~
          -i get my learner's permit this year!!! heckin fInaLLy
          -ive figured out my dream colleges and what my degree is most likely going to be
          -my dad moved out
          -i am hopefully going to be section leader in the marching band 
          -and i am still an awkward little shit!
          i also officially have a tumblr and am thinking about making an insta for random stuff but who knows? not meeee
          but yeah, i got a comment on TL and i was rereading and.. wow. okay. i left literally everyone hanging that's so awful of me i am so sorry
          aaand this is me saying that i mayhaps bee thinking about publishing the next chapters on a semi-regular basis? including one-shots that I just forgot to finish? and maybe continuing the book that nobody reads anyways bc i like it still? jdjdksks
          but yeah! hi! im alive!


Glad your life’s going well right now and I hope it stays that way. I can’t wait for more chapters 


i just seen this now but i’m glad to see that things are going well for you (i hope they still are !!) miss you


@keiraamae  don't worry, im working on it! it should be up within a week or two ❤️


ce message peut être offensant
          i think i have a potential boyfriend right now????
          im fucking
          so gay for this boy
          and he's gay for me too
          I just donT KNOW HOW TO TELL HIM THAT
          help me I'm a disaster


this message may be offensive
@camjensen no he fuckin said he likes me i knOW THAT FOR CERTAIN 
            but my dumb ass asked him to give me a little time to process my emotions and now I'm fucjin. dying. he is flirting nonstop. and I'm really fucking gay. help me


did you ever see that one post that said play 20 questions and then if they ask if you like someone say “yeah you” but if they freak out correct yourself to “yeah, you?” 


sick and at home, someone keep me entertained please I am dyING


@optimisticmuke poor Sabrina :ccc My mom is forcing tea down my throat until I can actually speak again lmao


@xouterspacealienx they just tested me for the flu but i think i’m okay, i’m getting prescribed meds thoughhh


@optimisticmuke yikes, pretty sure I'm just coming down with a cold but my mum is concerned about me getting pnuemonia bc of it so.. yikes for both of us