If you haven't already go and check out the updated version of Running Red Lights!


I have never been into writing fanfic, I have always left that up to the people that I think can do it well. But I think that I am going to ATTEMPT to write one. (It will be a Motionless In White Fanfic) And If it gets bad reviews or I just really don't like it, then I will take it down. But everything deserves at least a chance. Plus I just want to venture further in writing so I can see what I am good at writing and what I suck dramatically at.


I know that it has been a while and for that I am sorry. I have just been having some serious writer's block. But about a month ago I had an idea and got it onto some paper (let's be serious it was on my computer xD) and I published the first little bit of it I will keep it updated as much as possible. It would have been released at an earlier date but my computer is in the shop and I had to do everything on my tablet and I wanted to get a cover for the book but would have a hard time doing it through my tablet. Anyways the book Is called fear and yea check it out and let me know what you guys think