
It's Friday!!! Chapter 10 of Storm of Fire is up and ready for reading! If you enjoy, don't be shy - let me know! I love getting your feedback!
          	It's so hard to believe that by next Friday, I'll already be back in school. Summer was fun while it lasted! I hope yours has been amazing!


It's Friday!!! Chapter 10 of Storm of Fire is up and ready for reading! If you enjoy, don't be shy - let me know! I love getting your feedback!
          It's so hard to believe that by next Friday, I'll already be back in school. Summer was fun while it lasted! I hope yours has been amazing!


@yepiwrite  I'm glad to see you were able to make the time to read Dead-or-Alive. It brightens my day to see you're enjoying a story I've honeslty poured so much time and heart over and I hope you will continue to do so. 
          Your flattered pirate queen,
          P.S. Thank you (again) for pointing out that mistake.  I fixed it, so now no one will ever know. 


@ObsidianWars Of course! I can tell how much effort you've put in, and I've only read 1.2! Keep up the great work!


Hello, hello! Happy Friday, everyone! As you may have noticed, Chapter 6 of Storm of Fire is up for your reading pleasure. I apologize for the delay, but am so happy to be back to writing. Be sure to like and comment if you enjoy, let me know how it is. Thanks for all your support!


Hey, everyone! I know I have not been active lately, but I've had to prioritize my schoolwork these past couple weeks. I have decided to wait to update Storm of Fire, that way I can release only my best quality work without feeling rushed to get it done quickly. Believe me, I am SO sorry for the delay, and we can expect an update May 26th. Again, I am sorry to keep you waiting!