
Everybody chillax! My stories are almost complete and I'm working on some new ones. When I do publish them post on the message board or message me to tell me what you thought about them. Thank you for ur time! I love you all! Mwah!! ^_^


Thank you so very much for following God's Will.  I hope you enjoy it.  I am sorry for the delay in this message, I am finishing up book 3 in the series and I find myself lost in the pages from time to time.  I hope you have a wonderful up coming week.  Happy Reading.


Okay guys! I've made 2 new stories and they're called...
          "Bad Boy" and "Young Wild and Free". I'm planning on making another one but I still haven't finish completing my 2 stories.
          My NEXT story will be named Sweetheart Isn't Always the Sweetest.
          It'll be some type of play or script. The characters will be named and have lines they say. OR It'll be a short story.
          To My Fans:
          THANKS FOR FANNING ME! ^_^ Finally someone appriciates my Work..well soon you'll get to read my books. :P
          One More thing.. I have many ideas goingg crazy in my mind but I can't doe 'em all at once. But those books will be edited and ready to go!