Ada yang mau request ship buat valentine ama white day books gk?
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Ada yang mau request ship buat valentine ama white day books gk?
Ada yang mau request ship buat valentine ama white day books gk?
Arggghhhhhhhhhh SUMPAH, baca ulang tulisan lama bikin stressssssssssssss!!!!!!! Apa²an coba! Penulisanny amburadul, pemilihan bahasany aneh, dan ughhhh!!! Intinya gw depresi sendiri ngeliatnya (pen nangis). Apa gw tulis ulang aja y?
@ Yuzuki405 udh dari ber-dekade² soalny..
Halo halo hloooooo~! I'M BACK YALL!!! (Chill, i'm still alive wlo sebenernya rada males hidup ^_^) Gimana kabar kalian semua? Semoga sehat dan baik! (Klo ad yg gak, semoga cepat membaik dan menyerah aj klo udh gk bs diperbaiki/jk). Luckily Author baik - baik aja, wlo ada sedikit (banyak) drama kehidupan kemarin - kemarin.. well, i've been doing better lately! So no worries~ First of, let me give you my gratitude for all the comments, votes, etc. Thank you soo much! Nanti pasti bakal kujawab + baca satu per satu kok! Second, i want to apologize for disappearing into thin air (not really.. gw udh ijinkan? Jadi gak salah² amatlah yaaa~) sebenernya author gak niat kabur lama², but because one or two things.. gw jadi kebablasan! Hehe~ regardless, i'm sorry for the long hiatus! Last but not least, bagi yang pernah request story ke author.. PLEASE WAIT!!! Author baru balik (@Yuzuki405 SORRY BUT WAITTTT, kuusahakan up sebelum mingdep!) And siapapun yang punya ide boleh req ke author! (But please wait patiently). Sekian dari salam pertemuan (emg ad salam pertemuan? Hmm.. idk, but you get what i meant). Dan sekali lagi.. I'M BACK! Hore! We meet again my beloved readers~! (Btw, book apa yang harus gw update pertama?).
《Ignore this post, there's a lot of yapping here》 Udah pada liat postingan pjsk jp gk? Klo udah.. gimana perasaan kalian para vbs fan???? Me? Well i'm dying, both from happiness and anger ;) Akito literally baru dapet lim sekitar 2 bulan±, Kohane malah lebih parah! Baru juga 1 bulan±!! Ngenes amat nasib gw (bokek + gak dapet Akito ama Toya lim kemarin). Tapi point utamanya bukan di lim cardnya (walau ngeselin sih, soalnya Aki ama Kohane blm dapet permanent 4☆ samsek), judul event ini tuh "OVER RAD SQUAD!!" Kek??? Hello??? Kalian udah mau ngelampaui rad weekend??? Hah??? Well, gw paham sekarang mimpi mereka udh berubah- tapi bukannya ini terlalu cepat??? Kek?? Literally masih banyak hal yg belum di uncover (especially Toya struggle!). Jujur.. gw gak paham gimana ni event bakal jalan nanti.. tapi gw hanya berharap yang terbaik (demi kewarasan mental vbs fan lol), omong - omong.. WxS fan~ gimana nih nasib kalian? Emu gak dapet mixed event.. Tsukasa5 gak mungkin lim.. ngenes sekali kita semua (especially Kohane + Akito oshi). At least WxS covernya lumayan lah (WxS 5, vbs 3) tapi Kalau gk slh WxS lim card terakhir itu.. hmm.. Kasa ama Emu terakhir colorfest, Nene "Wedding Live ♡ With Everyone!" Kalau Rui.. "A Once-In-A-Lifetime Pandemonium!?" Wait.. lama amat!? Rui belum dapet lim sejak setahunan??? Damn.. ngenes jg WxS fan.. Ok, udah cukup ngomong yg jelek²! Mari kita lihat sisi positivenya! First, i really like MEIKO, Kanade, Kohane, N Miku desaign! Damnn they look gorgeous af!! Aggghhhh i wanna devour themmm!!! But-! Just... just... WHY AKITO LOOK LIKE THAT???? Sumpah, hairstyle keliatan sama kek lim card sebelum²nya!!?? Gak bisa apa kita dapet male hairstyle but long ver or somethin?? Kasa aj bisa dapet, masa yang lain gk??? Anyway, Why u read this shit lol? Oh ama gw mo hiatus bentar~ (gak tau sih bentar apa lama :v). Kalau begitu author pamit ya~ sampai bertemu setelah gw selesai hiatus (doain aja cepet- gak janji tapi). Bye my beloved readers~
《Ignore this post!!》 Mafu5!!!! Aaaaaaaa!!! Shit- its more emotional then i thought!! Anyway W for Mafudad! Thankyu for not being like that witch/hj. Btw, this just assumption but.. ig the next N25 would be Mizuki. Please i'm begging!! Mizu tells Ena about ur feeling! Just go fucking tell herrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
Halloooo, hloo halloo~! Ada yang kangen gak nih?? Klo gk ada yodah.. klo ada, belum juga sebulan! Masa udh kangen? Ekhem, off-topic.. tapi gw sebenernya cmn mampir bentar (ya gw masih mau hiatus). Jadi langsung to the point aja, gw mau ngejelesain why i'm unpublished book yang white day... Alasannya simple, book itu memang harusnya cmn up di bulan maret (tapi author lupa nge-unpublished! Sorry!!), tenang nanti booknya up di white day tahun depan kok! (Plus valentine book jg!) Jadi jangan khawatir! Udh sih itu doang! Kalau begitu... bye bye readerku tercinta~ sampai jumpa lagi saat author gk sibuk + males (gak yakin sih kapan kelar hiatusnya, hehe)
《Ignore this post》 ...... i don't even know how to start... I just woke up this morning... when suddenly i see a notif— APA MAKSUDNYA COBA!?!???!?? KENAPA MENDADAK MEREKA JADI FURRY?????????!!!!?? (Thats literally was my first impression lol) Ekhem. Sedikit context, colorfest banner (jp ver) kan bakal rilis tuh bentar lagi, nah terus gw ngeliat dong char + tema apa yg bakal diusung kali ini.... and oh god!!!! I didn't fuvking prepare to see itt!!!! I mean Kasa, Saki, and Emu card are pretty (to anyone who said that Kasa card looks 'ugly', F U ALL!!!/hj) But! The main topic is... Kito, Honami, and Minori (+ KAITO..?)!!!!!! Like... WHY THEY ALL HAVE AN ANIMAL FEATURES?????!!! (No hate, i love it soo much! They all looks cute! And before u start talking "oh u like furry–" STFU, i'm not) But like.. god??? I just wake up???! And not to mention, but... why KAITO looks like that lol! (I genuinely thought he was a random dude or somethin! Tbh he looks like some random soft dude from shoujou manga) Udah sih itu aja.. Omong - omong gw udh bs mendengar 'teriakan' para maniak... (yap artis NFSW, i'm talking to U!) Lol, just noticed i basically yapping at this point. Btw, bye bye~! (Sorry for the cursing!)
《Ignored this, this post would only fill with me being a crazy simp lol》 AAAAAAAA!!! TOYAAA!!! My baby finally getting out of the basement!!! But like literally, masa butuh 38 event (386± daysssss / 1 TAHUN) buat dia dapet rerunnn???? Not to mention, tapi ini di itung dari never give up cooking (which was mix event and NOT main unit event!) Sega, did u have beef with him or somethin??? Stop gatekeeping him from usss!!! I want– no.. I NEED TO SEE MY BABY MORE!!! Udah sih itu aja, sorry karna kalian malah membaca kegilaan author. Btw tenggorokkan gw sakit.. (I'm screaming like a fuckinv mad dog when i read the announcement lol) Hmm, apakah gw akan tiering? Entahlah~ (padahal jam tidur author udah hancur lebur wkkwk) Anyway bye - bye!
Halo halo halloooo~~ Rada random, cmn author niat up oneshot buat white day (telat² dikit gk ngaruh lah ya~). Nah namanya aja white day, pasti identik ama coklatkan? Author mau tanya dong, mending di up pas malem (setelah buka puasa) atau seterah gw aj? P.S Selamat menjalankan puasa. Oh ya, author dapet t-500 di event kemarin!!! Yeay!
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