
Previous post being said, thank you all for the lovely feedback, votes, and just all the views on TL&LOPL. Each one means so much, especially to someone so afraid to take that leap to make it available to the public. Thanks for hanging in there and putting up with my inadvertent update hiatuses and everything else! You all mean the world to me 


Previous post being said, thank you all for the lovely feedback, votes, and just all the views on TL&LOPL. Each one means so much, especially to someone so afraid to take that leap to make it available to the public. Thanks for hanging in there and putting up with my inadvertent update hiatuses and everything else! You all mean the world to me 


Just a fair warning if you get into my stories: I am garbage at updates. Sometimes stories lay dormant for a year or two because I lose interest and that's crappy but if I wait to find something I'll not lose interest in for a bit I'll never post anything, because I'm a spazz xD