Okay so here's the link that I was trying to send to you in reply to your message, haha, which Wattpad kept not allowing me to send for some ridiculous reason. Hopefully it'll let me post it on your profile instead. This page should have all the info you need! Good luck!! :)
UGHHHHH it's not letting me post it here either. I don't understand. I am freaking out right now about how annoying this is, haha, I've been trying to answer your question for like 40 minutes and Wattpad just won't let me send the link. Maybe I'll try posting it with spaces in between the letters?
h t t p : / / w a t t y s . w a t t p a d . c o m <-- now if you paste that into your browser and delete all the spaces, hopefully it'll work, haha. Sorry that this has been so annoying. I just didn't want to ignore your question. Good luck again!!