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Allen was better off alone. He always had been. After Mana died, what else was he supposed to do? Mana was the only one who loved him, the only one who would understood him. Allen sat at his grave, tears leaking down his pale face.

Allen never understood, why bad things happen to good people. Mana was good right? He was good to Allen, he made him smile and he fed him, even if he couldn't feed himself. A man was wondering out in the distance, but Allen didn't pay attention to him. There was no point in crying over it, but why did it have to hurt so bad?

He had no one else, so he decided, he would die right along side Mana, just like this. The man was getting closer, and Allen should be scared, but he wasn't.

Finally, the man was right in front of him. Allen looked up to see a drink man,with a knife in his hand. "What're you doin' out here so late boy?" The man asked, his words slurring, but he didn't answr, he just kept staring at the tombstone.

The man leaned forward in a fast, but shaky motion and grabbed Allen by the hair, yanking him up. "I asked you a fuckin' question ya freak!" He was obviously referring to his white hair. Allen felt something cold on his neck and he realized it was the knife. Before he could saying anything he felt pain erupt from the side of his face, and he felt something wet run down his face.

The man had cut him, but before he had gotten the chance to do so again, Allen fell out of the man's grasp, and a tall figure appeared in front of him. "I suggest you leave, before I stick that knife up your ass." And the drunk man scrambled to get away. Allen was still laying on the floor, crying and clutching at his face from where he had been cut. The tall figure approached him.

"Are you Allen Walker?" He said, a cigarette in between his teeth. Allen gave a weak nod and the stranger picked him up. "You're Mana's kid. I'm in charge of you now." As he said this he walked to a car and pushed him into it before getting into the drivers seat.

Allen didn't dare say a thing. He knew that if he knew his father, he could trust him right? He wouldn't have to be alone anymore. "We're going home now. And you work for me." He sped off down the street, a twisted smirk on his face.

------5 months later------

Allen sat in the office of an elementary school, as Cross filled out paper work. Because of the incident he had, had with the man in the cemetery, he had a bright red mark that adored his adorable face. He bounced up and down in the seat, excited to go to school with other people his age. He had never had friends before, so he was looking forward to it.

"Stop that,idiot." Cross said in a hushed tone as he continued to write. Allen immediately stopped. He didn't want to be hit again, but he was happy living with Cross. It wasn't all bad.

And so this would start his new life with Cross and the 3best friends he would soon meet.

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