Glowing Warmth

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"One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them."

Allen's P.O.V

It had officially been three days since Allen had been taken off of suicide watch and was moved into a regular wing in the hospital, one where he wasn't constantly being watched by nurses and doctors to ensure that he wouldn't hurt himself again. Today would make the fourth day and Allen was finally given the okay to be discharged from the hospital, and so he found himself standing outside, in the cold brisk of the outdoors for the first time in two and a half weeks. It had recently snowed so everything was white, cars, rooftops, anything the eye could see was white. Lavi and Allen waited for Kanda to come pick them up, he had gotten the day off from work so he could pick Allen up from the hospital once he was released.

As Allen was standing next to Lavi who had him tucked in close to his side, both because Lavi loves being close and two because it was actually freezing outside, he took in his surroundings carefully. Lavi smelt good as he always did, his hair was messier than normal and he wore a jet black winter coat with acid washed jeans and black boots. Allen peered up at Lavi's face, a small smile forming as he looked over his boyfriends face. Lavi had a red nose and his cheeks were flushed from the cold, making him look as though he was blushing which was hard to get Lavi to do, even for Allen. He stood like that for awhile, just gazing up at this gorgeous man's face, the man that was his boyfriend and quite literally his savior. 

Lavi looked down at him and suddenly there was a considered look on his face as he cupped Allen's face in his large hands. "Allen, why are you crying all of a sudden? Does anything hurt?" As he said this, Allen blinked a few times and could feel tears gently slipping off of his eyelashes and rolling down his face. He quickly shook his head and rubbed his eyes, a soft hiccup escaping his chest as he did so. "I-I don't know, I think I'm just relieved.." He said quietly, his voice trembling. Lavi quietly took Allen into his arms, his warmth completely engulfing all of Allen's senses. He didn't want to do anything other than stay in his arms like that, inhaling Lavi's scent deeply as his frail body relaxed into Lavi's tone, healthy build. "I am too, Allen" Lavi spoke gently into his ear before kissing his temple softly.

Shortly after Kanda arrived with Lenalee accompanying him in the front seat. Lavi helped Allen into the back seat before getting in. "Took you long enough Yuu, I think my fingers are going to fall off." Lavi said playfully has he pouted. Allen watched Kanda as his eyes tracked his every movement through the rear-view mirror. He felt a bit awkward as he buckled himself in but as Lavi spoke, Kanda ripped his eyes away him. "Keep talking shit and I'll brake check your ass without a second thought, Usagi." Kanda snapped as he began to drive off.

As the car moved, Lenalee turned around and smiled at Allen, a welcome sight as always. "So your stuff has been completely moved into our house, so you don't need to worry about that. For now, we're going to take you to Lavi's house for a celebration! Bookman is away from the week, so he left the house to us." Her expression was gentle as she turned back around and Allen felt Lavi's hand tighten around his own. Again, a gentle kiss was placed to his temple and he began to relax once again. 

Kanda's P.O.V

Kanda tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white as he did so. "What the fuck is going on?" Kanda thought to himself bitterly. He felt the knot in his chest tighten and rise into his throat as he watched the way Allen kept feeding into Lavi's affection and it pissed him off to no end. "Was that kiss in the hospital just his way of fucking with me? Maybe he just needed some sort of human contact so he used me for it.." His mind went around in circles as he drove on autopilot, getting progressively more pissed off as he made his way to Lavi's house.

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