Lackluster Lovers

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Approx. 1 week later x Allen's P.O.V.

It had been a week since Allen had been living with Lenalee and Komui, although it was defiently going to take some adjusting to get used to living with people who actually cared for him, he couldn't really complain. Komui made sure he had a warm place to say, he made sure that Allen took his medication and that he had everything he needed. Allen was intitally extremely uncomfortable in the house because of how kind both of them were and Komui bought him new furniture since he didn't have any of his own but he grew to be able to tolerate it and not be completely uncomfortable after a few days.

"So when do you want to go back to school?" Komui asked one morning as they were all eating breakfast together. Allen's shoulders slumped at this question and he let out a resigned sigh. School was something he hadn't really thought about much outside of the school work that was brought home for him but now the realization has hit that he has to eventually face school again. Lenalee leaned over and hugged Allen, giving him a reassuraing squeeze. "it's okay if you're not ready to go back yet, we can jsut keep bringing your school work back to the house if that's what you want. What's important is that you're comfortable."

Komui nodded as she was speaking and she gave him a small smile as he began to speak slowly, but with confidence. "I think.. it'll be okay.. as long as you and the others are with me. I would like to go back starting Monday." Komui looked a bit surprised at his answer but he gave him a kind smile. "If that's what you want to do, that's fine. However, if you at any point change your mind, please let me know and I will let the school know." Allen nodded and watched as Lenalee got up from the table and pulled out her phone. 

"I'm going to call Lavi and Kanda over, is that okay?" Lenalee asked, the question aimed more at Allen than asking for permission from Komui. Allen nodded as he got up to help Komui with the dishes. "Yeah, that's fine." Allen said quietly as he began to wash the dishes. He hadn't seen Kanda since the incident had taken place at Lavi's house a week back. He still wasn't sure what to make of all of it. He knew he felt things for both of them, but what he felt for both of them was different. Allen often caught himself questioning whether or not he actually had feelings for Lavi or if it was because Lavi was just there to comfort him at the time. He quickly shook away his thoughts.

Eventually, Kanda and Lavi arrived at the house. They both walked in without knocking, which seemed to be the usual at Lenalee's house but Komui didn't seem to mind at all. Lavi bounded over to Allen, as if he hadn't just seen him the other day. "Allen! I missed you so much!" he said as he hugged Allen and kisse all over face. Allen shook his head and playfully pushed him away. "You saw me yesterday, Lavi!" this caused Lavi to pout but that was cut short as Lenalee began to speak to them.

"Allen has decided to go back to school with us starting Monday! It's not official but that's what we're aiming for." She said with a beaming smile, looking very proud of him. Kanda didn't say anything as he sat down next to Komui at the table who handed him a cup of tea. Lavi on the other hand picked Allen up and hugged him tightly. "I'm so proud of you! It'll be nice to have you back around campus, i've missed seeing you around campus!" Lavi said with a smile as he kissed Allen gently. Eventually, he put Allen down and Allen snuck a glance at Kanda, a small blush on his face. Kanda was wearing black ripped up jeans with a black overcoat and what appeared to be a white shirt underneath it. His hair was pulled back into it's normal ponytail but he looked a lot more tired than usual. His porelain skin had dark bags underneath them and his eyes appeared to be blood shot as well.

Lavi's cheery voice pulled Allen out of his thinking. "I have to go pick Gramps up from the airport but I should be back later. Okay?" Lavi asked and Allen nodded, looking up at him. "Tell him I said hello." Lenalee smiled as she grabbed Lavi by the arm. "I want to go too! Kanda, stay here with Allen, you wanted to talk to him about something anyways." And with that, Lenalee drug Lavi out of the house, not answering any of the questions that Lavi had as to why Kanda needed to speak to Allen. Allen was just as confused as Lavi was and had a lot, if not more questions than Lavi did as to why Kanda suddenly wanted to speak to him about something. And they had to be alone to talk about whatever it was that was on his mind.. 

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