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Louis was laying on Harry's bed, his eyes still closed. He slept like an angel tonight and he certainly did not regret staying the night.

He wasn't in the mood to drive back home anyway.

Harry was currently taking a shower, he'd woken up at 6 and went for a jog. The lunatic.

Louis was slowly awakened from his slumber by Harry's notifications going nuts. The obnoxious twinkle sound blaring through the room every few seconds.

Louis groaned, pushing the duvet over his heads in the hopes to catch some extra minutes of snoozing but someone obviously needed to talk to Harry.

The boy rolled over and grabbed Harry's phone, blinking as the bright light hurt his eyes.

Now, he was only going to turn down the volume but the screen lit up with another message just as Louis turned the device over.

And Louis just-

He felt like he couldn't breathe.

You've got to be fucking kidding me? Louis thought as another text appeared on the screen.

Nick: C'mon. The dickhead doesn't have to know!

Nick: Just come over so we can have some fun? Let's do what we talked about last night.

Nick: Baby, I know you want me again. You can't deny it.

Nick: Stop being a bitch and answer me!

Louis felt sick as he slammed Harry's phone against the nightstand, swiftly standing up and pulling on his jeans.

He felt tears sting his eyes when he slipped into his coat, his throat hurting when he swallowed thickly.

Just as he pulled on his shoes, Harry walked out of the bathroom with a towel hanging from his hips.

''All dressed up, Lou? Where are you going?'' Harry joked, rummaging through his drawer.

''I'm going home.'' Louis snapped, pushing his phone into the pocket of his jeans.

Harry looked at him with wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows. ''What? Why? What happened?''

''Why don't you fucking ask Nick Grimshaw.'' Louis snarled before storming out of Harry's room.

The boy followed him quickly, begging Louis to slow down.

Louis, however, did not slow down. He actually walked faster, out of Harry's flat. He was sure Harry wouldn't follow him outside when he was only wearing a towel but the younger boy never failed to surprise him.

''Lou, stop! Please? I-I- I don't know what happened or why you think that Nick and I are toge-''

''I saw the damn messages on your phone, Harry!''

''Why were you on my phone?'' Harry snapped back, following Louis down the stairs.

Louis scoffed. ''If you have nothing to hide, that should not be a problem!''

The walked onto the street, sure that Harry truly wouldn't follow him but then again...

''No. Fuck, Lou. Wait, please? Please don't leave now. Not like this. I-I- please? Let me explain we-''

''What could you possibly explain to me, huh? How you went behind my back to sext with your ex? Abusive ex may I add.'' Louis said, spinning around in front of his car.

Harry was shaking his head quickly, biting his lip as he held onto the towel for dear life. He looked around anxiously, obviously regretting his life choices right now.

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