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Harry was standing in his childhood bedroom. Everything still looked and smelled the same. Nothing was missing not even his-

"Hi, Harry." A voice said.

Harry spun around and tears formed in his eyes when he saw his mother standing only a few feet behind him.

Her arms stretched out, asking him for a hug. Harry ran towards her, stumbling slightly because his legs felt like jelly.

He collapsed into her arms and cried as she rocked them back and forth.

The faint smell of her perfume mixed with her body scent made Harry shake.

"I don't know what to do. Everything is going wrong." He sobbed.

Anne kissed her son's cheek. "Oh, my darling... it'll be alright. You'll see."

Harry smiled and looked at his mother. "I miss you so much, mummy."

"Oh, Harry. We miss you too my dear. Everything about you." She hugged him once again.

"Be strong, my dear. I'm so proud of you and I love you so much." She whispered, kissing Harry's curls one last time before disappearing into thin air.

Harry gasped, hands moving through the air where she was just standing. "Mum! Mum no wait! Mum! Please! I need you..."

Harry woke up, panting fiercely. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and jumped out of his hot bed, hands shaking in fear and hurt.

He walked towards the kitchen to grab a glass of cold water and get a proper cuddle from someone, but no one was home. For a second he thought he dreamt everything, but then he saw Louis' suitcase standing next to the couch.

He took his glass and sat down in one of the chairs in de living room. He sighed before wiping his eyes as angry tears ran down his cheeks. More tears fell and no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't stop them from falling.

"Just stop crying for God's sake!" He yelled at himself.

Anger flared inside of him. He was angry at Nick for doing this to him, he was angry at Louis for making him and Nick fight over their friendship, he was angry at himself for asking his mother and sister to pick him up from that stupid party, he was angry at the person who decided to throw that party in the first place, he was angry at the driver who hit his family. He was just so angry.

Harry started sobbing and trashing the entire living room. Throwing his glass at the wall and ripping the cushions off the couch only to throw them at the floor. He just sort of blacked out for a moment, not aware of anything he was doing.

He sunk down to the floor, choking on his sobs. He buried his face in his hands and curled into himself, feeling his lungs burn from the lack of oxygen.

Just then the front door opened, making Harry look up. His eyes scanned the trashed living room, knowing very well that he was fucked.

"Damnit." He whispered, anxiously looking at the door leading to the living room.

Niall and Louis made their way into the living room, whispering and walking on their tippy toes. When Niall looked up, he gasped loudly. Looking at the mess his best friend made in their apartment.

Harry stood up quickly, stumbling towards his best friend. "N-Niall! I-I... I didn't mean to! Oh, G-god..."

He then rushed towards the broken shard of glass on the floor next to the wall. He started picking up the pieces of glass, cutting his hands in the process and softly mumbling out a string of apologies.

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