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The next morning was kind of awkward for Louis and Harry.

When Harry woke up, Louis' leg was wrapped around his waist almost in a possessive way and his own arms were wrapped around Louis' neck. Harry tried getting out of the older lad's grip, but Louis draped his arm over Harry's shoulder and pulled Harry closer to his chest.

When Louis woke up he looked at Harry for a second, then he blinked and after that, he jumped out of the bed and left the room without saying anything. Harry felt a little embarrassed by this, but shrugged it off, knowing damn well Louis was feeling the same.

Harry took his time to dress up before he also exited his bedroom.

Louis and Niall were standing in de kitchen and they were talking to each other quietly. Harry cleared his throat to make them notice his presence. They looked startled for a few seconds before Niall smiled at Harry.

''I made eggs. You want one?'' He asked, holding up a plate with an egg and sausages. Harry took the plate thankfully.

''Thank you.'' He mumbled.

The boy made his way to the living room. He sat down his plate on the table and grabbed a photo album from the shelf above the couch.

He plopped down on the couch and flipped the pages. Sliding his finger over some over the pictures with a sad smile.

When Louis slouched down next to him he raised an eyebrow at the picture. ''None of that, please. We're going to do other things with those fucking pictures.'' Louis mumbled before snatching the photo album from Harry's lap.

Harry whined and tried grabbing it, but Louis kept it out of his reach. Harry was sprawled over Louis' lap and sighed in defeat. ''Lou. I like looking at our pictures. I still love him you know?'' He said.

Louis booped the younger boy's nose, causing him to giggle. ''You shouldn't. We're going to cut and burn those pictures of the two of you. Out of sight, out of mind.''

Harry pouted and frowned. ''Burn Nick and my selfies? But I-I... I want to remember the good times?''

Louis nodded. ''We won't burn the actual photos. We'll make some copies and destroy them, yeah? It's only to make you feel better. Let's start with deleting the pictures on your phone.''

Louis reached for Harry's phone, which was laying on the coffee table. He turned it on and looked at the background, scrunching up his nose in disgust when he saw a picture of Nick.

''Forget that we're gonna change your backgrounds first.'' He said and typed in Harry's password.

Harry gasped. ''How did you know my password!'' He yelled and jumped up from his comfortable position in Louis' lap.

Louis shrugged his shoulder. ''Your birthday is probably not gonna save your ass when someone steals your phone, sunshine. Now c' mere.''

Louis held out the phone with the front camera opened.

''What are you doing?'' Harry asked as he scooted closer to his friend.

''I told you I was going to change your background, now shut up and smile.'' Louis said in a playful manner.

Louis smiled at the camera, whilst Harry pulled a goofy face. Louis snapped the picture and immediately set it as Harry's background.

''Lou, it's disgusting! I look horrible.'' Harry cried out.

Louis slapped his thigh and shook his head. ''You look adorable and you will keep this as your background until we've made a new one. Do you understand?''

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