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It's longer than the last one...



Look what you're missing @NicholasG

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Look what you're missing @NicholasG. Don't know what I did to deserve you, angel.♡

He was a daft irrelevant idiot🤣

You deserve me because of how amazing you are😊

I love you💕

Harry smiled at Louis' Instagram post, blushing as he liked and commented. He felt so loved when Louis did small things like this.

He ignored the texts from Nick, he would answer them later today.

''All ready and packed, sunshine?'' Louis yelled from the other side of the door, knocking on it softly.

Harry hummed in annoyance and stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulders.

He stepped outside and instantly collapsed into Louis' arms, pressing his nose into the shorter boy's hair. ''Don' leave again.''

Louis chuckled and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist as his nose was pressed against his chest. ''I don't like you leaving either, love. Don't know when I'll be able to visit again.''

Harry whined even louder at that, pouting at Louis when the older one pulled back from their embrace. Louis sighed and reached up to cup Harry's face with his hand.

Harry eyed Louis before his eyes fell on the clock behind his boyfriend. ''I should go if I want to catch my train. Two hours. All alone in a train...''

''You should've left with Niall when you had the chance. I told you so.'' Louis said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Harry stomped his foot, as a little child would. ''Be more grateful, Louis! I gave up a chatty trip home so that I could stay with you two more nights. Or weren't those nights pleasurable enough for you?''

Louis' face flushed red and he coughed as Harry smirked at him.

''Don't use that against me. I would have fucked you the first night if it wasn't for Liam and Niall sleeping in the room next to us. A good thing, considering how loud you were.''

Now it was Harry's turn to blush and giggle. ''Too loud?''

Louis leaned up and kissed Harry's cheek sweetly. ''Maybe... The neighbours probably didn't enjoy it. I like it better when you're loud, though.''

Harry groaned and pushed Louis away, shit-eating grin on his face. ''Oh, shut it, you. Now you're just teasing me!''

Louis threw his head back in laughter before taking Harry's bag from his shoulder. ''C'mon, sunshine. I'm driving you home.''

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