Chapter 2:Ice-Cream

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Gohan's POV

I was walking to school when I saw Ashlyn on the oppisite side texting someone.I started blushing a little because she is so freakin hot,but I didn't want to let her know that I like her.I wanted to talk to her on the way to school,so I yelled "Hey Ashlyn!"

She looked up from her phone and started blushing at me and said "Hey Gohan!"

"Hey come over here." I said.

She came over and we started blushing madly at each other till we were at school. "Hey guess what i'm getting tommorow?"

"What?"she said.

"A new car." I said.

"Whoah,can you drive me home from school in it?" she said blushing madly.

"Sure." I said blushling madly.

I went to my locker and Trunks was there."Hey,I think you like that Ashlyn girl." Trunks said

"Shut up." I said madly.

"Oh,so you do like her." He said smiling.

"No,uh....Ok yes I do but so what." I said.

"I bet you would die if she came up to you and then kissed you."He said laughing.

"I said shut up."I said. Imagining what he just said.Then the bell rung and they ran off to class. And me and Ashlyn was blushing madly until the teacher came in.She taught us what we needed to know.I went to my other classes then met up with Trunks and asked if I could come to Capsel Corp and he said yes.

We was at Capsel Corp when I saw Ashlyn walking by.I was shocked because she never comes by there and I started blushing madly.She looked my way and I hid cause I did not want her to see me.

The next day after school Ashlyn got in my new car and I said "Hey,so where do you want to go."

"Um...I'm in the mood for the for some ice-cream."She said blushing.

"Me too." I said.

We went to the ice-cream shop and got our ice cream.We ate our ice-cream,then I said "I better get you home now."

"Yeah,my mom will probly kill me if I don't get home right now."She said So,I took her home and we said our goodbyes.

That is it for this chapter.So goodbye.

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