Chapter 14: The Big Day

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Ashlyn's POV

Today was the big day.The day I marry Son Gohan.I was in a little room where I was getting dressed and ready to marry Gohan.

"I am so exited!" I said exitidly.

"Well yeah you are,you're getting married."Shelby said joking around.

"Yeah I would be exited to if I was you,but me marring Neji."Hannah said.

"Well I guess its time."I said a little nevous.

"Yup!"Shelby and Hannah both said.

I went to the asile I was supposed to walk on and Goku latched his arm around mine and walked me up the asile and let go of my arm when we reached Gohan.The preist was Veggie.(veggie is vegeta.totally unexpected uh?) Vegeta said the things and then said "Do you Ashlyn take Gohan to be your beloved husband?"

"I do!"I said happily.

"And do you Gohan take Ashlyn to be your lovely wife?"Vegeta said.

"I do!" Gohan said just as happy.

"You may kiss the bride." Vegeta said.

Me and Gohan then kissed a few minutes and while we were kissing everybody stood up from there seats and clapped.After that we went inside and ate.While we were eating Gohan said "So,what do you want to do after we get done with this?"

"I don't know?" I said.

"You want to go to Las Vegas?" He asked curisoly.

"Sure!" I said.

Well thats it for this chapter.Sorry this chapter was so short though.So Good Bye!

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