Chapter 4:The Date

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Gohan's POV

I woke up and saw Ashlyn's arm on my chest and Itachi and Sai staring at me laughing.

"What?" I said.

"You and Ashlyn" They both said.

"So?" I said.

"Nothing."They said walking off.

I laid back down and went back to sleep.I woke up again and this time Ashlyn's lips was right in front of mine and I thought "Well we kissed last night so why not." So I leaned in and kissed her. Then she woke up and said "What are you doing." "Uh...Nothing I just woke up." I said.

Then we went and got breakfast.Then I talked with Trunks and he said "So,how was your first kiss?" I said "Uh...Why do you want to know?" I said. "Because I want to know"Trunks said.I said "Well it's none of your buisness."

I went to Ashlyn and I said "Can I talk to you in private."

"Sure."She said.

We went into her room and I said "Hey um...Would you like to go on a date?"

"Sure."She said.

I leaned in close then kissed her for a few minutes.We pulled away blushing madly."So tonight at 8:00 p.m." I said still blushing.

"Yeah that's fine with me." She said.

It was 8 o'clock so I went to go get Ashlyn.We went to a fancey resturunt called Little Ete's.Then we ate our food.I took Ashlyn home and I walked her to her door,but before she went in I grabbed her pulled her close to me put my hands on her waist and kissed her.After what seemed liked forever we pulled away and started blushing madly.She kissed me back and I said "I love you Ashlyn." "I love you too Gohan."She said.She went inside and I went back home.

Well thats the end of that chapter.Bye.

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