Chapter 1.

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Orlando, FL

January 2013 on a Friday Morning

Pams POV:

Well, here it is the first day of the rest of my life...I think. I'm so nervous right now it's not even funny..what if I suck? I'm gonna be miserable aren't I? no damn it Pam! don't think like that I'll give it a month or two they'll either release me or I'll leave on my own *deep breath" alright here we go... WWE or bust.

Pam walks into this warehouse with rings set up in it, the guys and girls in there are running the ropes, hitting some weights that type of stuff she's intimidated already these guys really look like they're getting this wrestling thing down. Sara Amato introduces her to everybody, nobody has a clue who she is except for some girl named Mercedes who's already had a match with Paige on TV a month earlier. Sara gets her situated and her own locker after that it's off to ring for some basic drills to see what she's made of.

During a small break Mercedes goes over to introduce herself to Pam properly

"Hey hows it going?" Mercedes said getting down on the floor with Pam who got startled

"Wha...oh hi It's going okay I guess, Pam Martinez" she said sticking her hand out

"Mercedes Varnado, nice to meet you didn't mean to scare you" Mercedes said shaking her hand

"It's alright ooo...we're both so sweaty" Pam said

"Haha yeah part of the job right? where you from Pam?" Mercedes asked

"Newark, California you?" Pam replied

"Fairfield, California we were like an hour away from each other" Mercedes said

"Really?? wow that's cool, so how long have you been here?" Pam asked

"Almost a year you're gonna love it here you'll be on tv before you know it...if you can get over the hair pulling bullshit Bill over there has us doing sometimes" Mercedes said

"Oh okay, I can live with that I guess...still not cool" Pam said

"Wait hold on...I recognize you from're Davina Rose! BTW right" Mercedes whispered

"Heh heh...yeah you got me" Pam said chuckling

"Oh my God finally somebody that I know about!" Mercedes said

"Alright back to work!" Bill said as loudly and obnoxiously as he could fuck that guy

"Well, I'll see you in there" Mercedes said getting up

"You too" Pam said getting up also

The rest of the day went on as well as it could possibly could've for her first day down here Pam did really well I think it surprised everybody how quickly she caught on. Although she felt really awkward at first all that started to fizzle out as the day went by.

At around 5:30 Pam finally gets back into her apartment throws her bag on the couch and jumps into the shower she's worn out but it'll be worth it in the long run. She got Mercedes number when they were on the way out of the building so she put it in her phone before grabbing something to eat and winding down for the rest of the night what a day and it's just the beginning who knows where things will go from here.

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