Episode 16.

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Since the new Watch Dogs Legion expansion comes out tomorrow and the day I write on is Tuesdays I decided to drop this one before RAW read this because it'll probably be better anyways 😂 enjoy guys.

3 weeks later

Thursday Afternoon

Orlando, FL

Pams POV:

House feels too crowded even though I'm the only one in it so now I'm walking down the street and I don't know just where I think I'm going right now but I'm doing it.

There's too much going on right now I'm sore my heart is hurting I don't know what the hell is going on anymore I really don't.

I feel really bad for doing it but I had no choice but to ignore Mercedes I even work out on the opposite side of the PC because I can feel her staring at me I know she likes what she sees but she had her chance and she decided to muck it up...but she's so cute though no stop it Pam don't do this to yourself dude...but isn't she though?

Pam got hungry and luckily for her there was a taco truck about a quarter mile further up the street across the intersection it took a second because lunchtime traffic is no joke but ya girl got her taco and walked up another set of streets eating her lunch.

The hot sauce made her body even hotter than she was already was, she probably should've went with a lighter colored tank top you genius. She threw the wrap the taco was in into the trash and turned back around to head back the town house then it happened.....

So uh....remember that taco truck I mentioned earlier? Well Mercedes must've been hungry too because her car was parked on the street and not many people have purple hair, oh shit..

This was exactly what Pam didn't want/need to happen now she's got a problem somehow and it literally seems impossible but she has to somehow get by Mercedes without her noticing she's out here.

What to do what to do, she could go back up the street but that'll take her longer to get home and there's no way she could disguise herself for a second damn, this was bad there's no way out of this one.

Back to Pam...

Why'd I come out the house today? I should've known there was a possibility that this could happen I really don't want her to see me my heart can't take it...but I'm gonna have to run for it there's no other way.

Pam was preparing herself to run down the street and down the block just was Mercedes turning around to go back to her car shit GO PAM GO GO GO! Pam takes off down the street if Mercedes saw anything it was probably dark brown hair and a black tank top.

"I know that wasn't who I think it was" Mercedes said out loud they dude in the truck looked just as surprised as she was

After running almost all the way home Pam caught her breath and unlocked the door to her house and immediately fell on the couch completely exhausted oh and It wasn't over there...


Mercedes: I knew you'd miss me beautiful

"Fuckkkkk" Pam said planting her face into a pillow

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