Chapter 24 - I've got plans

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I'm on my way to bel air to pick up addison and Mads but they drived here so mads is mussc carrying the car.

I was in my room put the last bit of clothes in some boxes when bryce said we're going to pick up the girls and have lunch.

So I'm going to NYC next week so I have to pack for dat and pack to leave our old house and my parents are coming down this week

I was finishing paperwork and when adds walked back in

Addison - so the boys are on there way here and I'm going NYC next week
Mads - omg fr?
Addison - yep dixie just asked me to go with her
Mads - oh
Addison - what?
Mads - nun
Addison - okay

Addison and Dixie same so close and den she was calling Adds bestie. I really hope I don't lose my best friend. But anyway the boys just pulled up

Jaden - damnnn *walks up the door*
Mads - this only the front, hey*peck him*
Jaden - I Know and it's den looking fire asf
Mads - want see my room
Jaden - yesss ma'am *smirks*
Mads - *walks into her room* this is my room, this is the closest and this is the bathroom
Jaden - why is ya closet so big wtf
Mads - ik right by
Jaden - so I can't see you tonight I'm going to be recording late and I don't want you tired bc you have alot of packing to do.
Mads - dats okay ig I'm going miss you
Jaden - I'll call you tonight , okay *kiss her forehead*
Mads - okay

So when I told mads I'm going NYC she seemed happy for me tell I said Dixie name. I don't dat was a bit weird. But Bryce just pulled up

Jaden - hey lil sis *walks past her to go to mads*
Addison - heyy babe
Bryce - *comes out the car* hey beautiful *kiss her cheek*
Addison - so I have something to talk to you about to later
Bryce - is it bad
Addison - no
Bryce - okay beca- *phone rings*
Addison - I gatta take this *walks off*

Addison - hey momma
Sheri - hey baby
Addison - wazzup
Sheri - so me and your dad aren't coming this week we can't bc we have like a business meetings and thing for the company but we'll be there next week
Addison - oh okay I was going NYC next week but ig I'll push the time forward
Sheri - okay have a great day and tell ya brother what I said
Addison - same okay *hangs up*

Im going to text Dixie and ask if we cud move the days up

Addison 🤪
Hey dix

Dixie 😎

Cud we go NYC like earlier bc next week my parents come in town they moved the days

Yea dats cool so in 2 days be ready to leave

Yea sure

Addison - *walks back to bryce* wanna see inside the house now?
Bryce - yea who called?
Addison - my mom
Bryce - is everything okay
Addison - yea she just called to say she's not coming this week she's coming next week
Bryce - okay let's go inside

They girls gives the boy q your of there new house and Addison told Jaden what there mom said.

Bryce - y'all ready to go?
Addison - yea where we eating at guys?
Mads - I don't know
Jaden - what y'all feel like eating?
Mads - i don't know
Bryce - baby what you want to eat
Addison - I don't know
Mads - y'all pick
Jaden - Saddle Ranch or Cheesecake factory
Bryce - Saddle
Addison - no I don't look good and paparazzi are always there
Mads - yea
Bryce - baby you look good and it's early I don't think there gonna be there
Mads - but what if they are
Jaden - come on guys yall makin this so hard
Addison - okay let's go saddle, I'm driving
Jaden - so I'll drive bryce car we'll meet y'all there
Bryce - okay
Jaden - let's go babe
Mads - coming

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