Chapter 15 - Where are you

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So when Mads told me Addison left I went upstairs to get my phone and try and call her. But it kept going to voicemail. Now I'm extra scared bc idk where she is and it's night. Ughh why did I do this prank.

So after what bryce did I left I cudnt face the fact that he cheated. I turn off my phone and just drived around L.A And cried. It's was amount 1am when I decide to go back home. I'm really thinking about moving tho imma talk to Mads about it. I walked into my room to see Bryce still here but sleep. Ughhh why is he here. I was about to close the door to go to the guest room but he woke up

Bryce - baby?
Addison - I'm not your baby anymore bryce
Bryce - cud you come in so we cud talk
Addison - there's nun to say Bryce you low-key cheated
Bryce - plz Addison let me explain
Addison -*walks in and close the door* you have 2 min
Bryce - it was a prank for my YouTube and the person texting was Josh. I would neva jeopardize our relationship. Okay I need you to know dat and if you don't want me put the video out dats fine to. But I'm not messing around with no one other den you. I love you mama
Addison - *surprised* I'm sorry for overrating
Bryce - no *shake his head* I would of did the same so I understand and you don't have to say I love you back now if you aren't ready but know I love you Addison Rae Hossler
Addison - I love you too bryce*crying*
Bryce - *kisses her*
Addison - *kisses back* baby
Bryce - yea
Addison - you cud post the video let's just do a outro
Bryce - thx beautiful
Addison - np babe
Bryce - so before we do the outro whre did you go?
Addison - just driving around crying but I'm okay now
Bryce - I really am sorry about the prank baby
Addison - ik you Said it b4 *giggling*

*Talking to the vlog*

So guys this is all we have for today. I almost lost my baby but we're good now. Want day anything. It's prank wars addison said. Oh you don't want go there with me. But guys I'll see y'all later don't forget to get the PAU merch I'm really going broke. Bye says addison.

*End talking to the vlog*

Bryce - lets go sleep baby it's late
Addison - okay goodnight babe
Bryce - goodnight beautiful love you
Addison - love you too

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