Chapter 29 - I like you/ will you be my gf

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So today is just like always wake up do morning routine and den wait for dixie. But this time dixie was up early and came to my room. While we were waiting on troy I called Mads

Addison - morning
Mads - good morning
Addison - how was yesterday at the sway opening
Mads - it just a chill get together with sway and there gf's and a couple close friends
Dixie - hey mads
Mads - hey dixie
Addison - kool
Dixie - addison troys here time to go
Addison - okay I'm coming mads cud you do me a favor
Mads -yea what's it
Addison - so I got bryce like a gift for sway thing but I didn't give it to him cud you give him it for me please
Mads - add-
Addison - please
Mads - okay fine where it
Addison - in my room in the closet its in a Gucci bag
Mads - you bought him Gucci
Addison - bye mads talk to you later
Mads - oh we are for sure talkin later

I walked down the hall going downstairs when troy said

Troy - hey cud I talk you later?
Addison - yea sure
Troy - is after ya photoshoot okay?
Addison - yea
Troy - *smiles* you look pretty
Addison - thanks *smiles back*
Dixie - can we go now
T/A - coming

After I hanged up on adds I got ready for the day in a basic fit until later bc me and jaden are going onna date. After I made breakfast I called Bryce

Bryce - hey wats up
Mads - can you come over in like 10 minutes
Bryce - yea why
Mads - I have something to give you
Bryce - okay see you soon

I went into addison room and found the Gucci bag it felt like a shoe box was  in it.
I carried it downstairs and sat in the livin room waiting for bryce oh yea btw we already moved

Couple minutes later

Bryce - *walks in* mads
Mads - I'm in the living room
Bryce - what you said you have for me?
Mads - well it's not from me it's from Addison
Bryce - *freezes* Add- wait what
Mads - yea she bought it for you before y'all break-up or wateva
Bryce - mads I can't take dat
Mads - well your going to *hands him the bag* her you go
Bryce - do you know what it is omg why's it Gucci
Mads - ig she really loved you
Bryce - *looks down* I know
Mads - open it
Bryce - okay

Bryce - *walks in* madsMads - I'm in the living roomBryce - what you said you have for me?Mads - well it's not from me it's from AddisonBryce - *freezes* Add- wait whatMads - yea she bought it for you before y'all break-up or watevaBryce - mads I ...

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Mads - no fuckin way dat bag is so expensiveBryce - waits it a letter should I read itMads - DUHHHBryce - okay "dear bryce I know I'm not going to be there for your opening of sway but if I cud I would

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Mads - no fuckin way dat bag is so expensive
Bryce - waits it a letter should I read it
Mads - DUHHH
Bryce - okay "dear bryce I know I'm not going to be there for your opening of sway but if I cud I would. I love you so much and I'm so proud of what you have started. Congrats on sway. Love Addison" she really thought of me through this whole thing and I just fucked everything up
Mads - yea you did
Bryce - I gatta win her back when does she come back?
Mads - tmr
Bryce - okay cud you help me set up something for her
Mads - yea sure
Bryce - thank you I'm going shopping for her now
Mads - awwe good luck

So I just got back to my hotel and troy asked if we cud talk now so I told him come in dixie went to change so we were alone

Addison - what's up
Troy - idk how to say it
Addison - what's it?
Troy - addison I like you like more den a friend
Addison - tr-
Troy - let me finish, I know I've only known you for 2 days but dat all I needed to know. You don't have to like me back I justed wanted to get it off my chest
Addison - troy your cute in all but I'm not ready for a relationship but I'm not saying I don't like you
Troy - I understand friends?
Addison - friends
Dixie - *walks in* what y'all talking about?
Troy - skateboarding I was asking her if she knew how to
Dixie - ohh Kool
Troy - yea but I should get going y'all have a early flight tomorrow
Addison - yea he's right
Dixie - well imma just head back to my room see y'all in the morning
Troy - bye addison
Addison - see you later troy

Did troy just say he like me. He's cute but I just got out of a relationship or somewhat relationship. I'm bouta call mads bc she has a date and I'm going to help her mentally (basically hype her up through the phone)


Mads - hello
Addison - hey what you doing
Mads - doing my makeup hbu
Addison - about to take mine off
Mads - oh k bryce loved the gifts
Addison - he did?
Mads - yep and the letter
Addison - omg I forgot about dat
Mads - hahaha so you still love him
Addison - I'll always love bryce.. my feelings are complicated right now
Mads - what ?
Addison - so dixie cousin troy told me he liked me
Mads - wait what
Addison - yea and I told him I can't right now but he's really cute and has a great personality
Mads - ohh
Addison - yea so where you and jae going tonight
Mads - idk he won't tell me but he says it's special
Addison - he may finally ask you to be his gf
Mads - you think so
Addison - it's about time
Mads - okay I'm nervous now
Addison - no need to be nerves
Mads - I'm going to put on my clothes jae cud be here any minute
Addison - okay love you have fun
Mads - love you to bye
Addison - bye

So today is the day I ask mads to be my girlfriend officially. I have dinner plan and den I'm going to ask her at beach. Imma about to pull up to her gate now

Jaden just texted me to come down he's here so I got my purse and headed downstairs. I got into his car and kissed him we drove to this expensive restaurant

Jaden- we're here
Mads - bub this place is so expensive
Jaden - that's nun bc you deserve the world
Mads - *kiss's him* I love you
Jaden - I love you to mama, now let's get this date started
Mads - *smile* let's go

We walked in they got us seated we talked and laugh all night. Seeing her happy just makes me happy. But tonight I'm putting n my man pants bc I gatta ask the love of my life to be my girlfriend. We paid and den I said

Jaden - baby you ready to go
Mads - yea
Jaden - let's go

Me and jae got in the car I thought we were heading to my house but he went a different way

Mads - jae this the wrong way
Jaden - mama our dates not over yet
Mads - where are we going
Jaden - you'll see

So we just pulled up to the Beach and we walked down in the sand. We were just standing there looking at the wave. When I got the thought dat this is my moment

Jaden - Mads?
Mads - yea?
Jaden - You know I love you right
Mads - ofc and I love you to
Jaden - Mads your the only girl I want and I love you very much. I love how supportive you are and how kind you cud be. What I'm trying to say Mads Rose Hall will you do me the honor and be my girlfriend!!!
Mads - *crying* yesss
Jaden - *kiss her* I love you baby
Mads - *kiss back* I love you too

So after the best night ever me and jaden headed to my house and fell asleep. I can't believe I'm his girlfriend

Do y'all think Addison and Bryce should make a come back?

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