Chapter 25 - Arguments

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Me and jae got inside the car and we decided to go to the beach days were I always have a calm mind.

I'm confused on why bryce is acting like it such a big deal. Addison has her own work from do. But I do understand why he's a big upset but he's taking it to far

Jaden - Wanna go on the sand or stay in the car
Addison - we should stay in the car fans may come and I don't want seem down
Jaden - okay. So why are you and Bryce not so lovey dovey today
Addison - *sits back* I told him I'm going to NYC and he was like he really thought I was gonna be here for his opening party for sway. But I can't. Ii really want to be there but I can't it's not up to me sometimes. Bryce is acting childish for no reason*starts to cry* if I could of been there I would of but I can't and he's not understanding dat
Jaden - *hugs her* it's going to be okay he's going to understand please don't cry youknow I don't like to see you cry adds
Addison - I leave in a day and a half and we aren't even talking*put her hand over her face*
Jaden - yea sway party is the next day after you leave
Addison - orh Jae I'm really sorry I can't make it to your sway opening
Jaden - it's okay sis I understand you have things to do
Addison - do you think he'll forgive me
Jaden - Addison you did nun wrong this is your work
Addison - I need ice cream
Jaden - yesss now we're talking, I'll drive
Addison - okay *walks to the passenger side*

I don't know what's wrong with bryce. It literally addison's work she has to go

Why tf is everyone siding with Addison. It's like my feelings neva matter. I'm going to hang with the boys and get drunk to take my mind if things

Bryce - let's go mads I have somewhere to be
Mads - where are you going *gets in the car*
Bryce - out with the boys
Mads - please don't do anything stupid
Bryce - yea yea where am I dropping you off
Mads - home im going to start packing
Bryce - okay oh tell ya best friend I can't help her pack anymore
Mads - bryce come on this is a miner argument and your taking it way to far
Bryce - why tf are y'all always on Addison side huh?? I have fuckin feelings mads I'm not emotionless mads okay. She was the only person I actually cared was gonna be there with me and she isn't. So I'm hurt okay. So yes I'm not helping her pack or talkin to her tell this party is over.
Mads - bryce she cares about ya feelings alot. It's just she has alot going on she can't just drop it
Bryce - *stays quiet*
Mads - *sigh* I think you should just talk to her
Bryce - we're here see ya
Mads - bye bryce *close the car door*

We got our ice cream and headed back to her and mads house. I've never seen my sister cry about a boy so I didn't really know what to do. I know bryce and I just hope he don't do some dumb shidd tonight. We pulled up and walked inside

I just heard Addison and jaden pulled up so I walked down stairs

Today has been a rollercoaster I was so excited to go NYC but now I don't even think I'm going to enjoy it with bryce mad at me this is going to be long

Mads - hey how you feeling*hugs adds*
Addison - cud be better I'm going to start packing and head to sleep
Mads - ok bryce told me to tell you he can't help you pack nomo
Addison - I figured dat was gone happen
Mads - do you want anything
Addison - I'm good mads but thank you
Jaden - After I'm done helping Mads pack imma help you sis
Addison - okay*goes to her room*
Mads - bryce is actually hurt by addison not coming he screamed at me saying he has feelings to
Jaden - Addison cried and I've never seen her cry over a guy before btw where bryce
Mads - he said he was going out with the boys
Jaden - oh no this isn't gonna end good
Mads - why!?
Jaden - they're going to the club tonight. Bryce us most likely gonna get drunk and fuck up
Mads - oh no this is gonna end there relationship

So in went upstairs to start packing but then I just start crying. I got my phone and tired call bryce to see if he wanted to talk about it but he declines my call so I just went back to packing for my trip and to move

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