If only I didnt have ADHD

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-Percy POV-

Pepper told me that Mr. Stark would be finishing off his interview soon. And as soon as she said it, a kid, maybe one year older than me wobbled out of a door which I assumed lead to Mr. Stark's office.

He looked at me sympathetically while rubbing his back. "Good luck, trust me. You'll need it," he told me. That comment made my heart race. Why was he like that? I started thinking of reasons why he was acting that way until Pepper started talking. She told me to wait a few minutes before knocking on the office door, and she left to go lead the other boy back outside.

After ten minutes of impatiently waiting there, mindlessly tapping my fingers against my thigh, i stood up, unable to wait any longer. I know Pepper said I should wait a few minutes to go knock, but it's been ten, and at this point, I feel like this Stark guy was purposely trying to not interview me.

All right, thats it. I stuff everything in my backpack, all my papers becoming crumpled in the process. I zipped in it and swung it on my back. I walked to the double doors before I hesitantly stood there, contemplating whether to knock or not. Oh, to hell with this.

I knocked and after a few moments, a man, presumably Tony Stark, grumbled out, "Come in."

I swiftly walked in the office to be in awe of a room in this building once again. Instead of a back wall, it was floor-to-ceiling windows where you were able to see the entire city from this point. I had to bite the inside of my cheeks to stop myself from gaping. I'm just hoping Zeus doesn't get mad at me for being this high in his domain.

There were some abstract pictures and paintings all around the walls, but I noticed very few personal belongings, which tells a lot about who Tony Stark is. While looking around at the office, my eyes landed on Mr. Stark who was staring at me expectantly, nearly slouched all the way against his chair. We held eye contact awkwardly for a bit before I sat down.

Pepper walked in, her heels clicking loudly against the marble floor. She whispered something in his ear, and she gave me a nod for good luck and walked out of the room.

"Perseus Jackson?" he asked in a tired voice.

I winced. Only angry monsters and gods call me by my full name. "Percy's fine," I told him. I set my bag on the floor next to my chair.

He walked out from behind his desk. "Nice to meet you, Percy," He offered his hand. Why did he go out of his way to do that?

I looked at him before standing up to be polite. I shook his hand, and suddenly, I felt a familiar tighten in his grip. I looked at him in the face with a questioning expression, and we caught eyes. He gave a small smile before he shifted his weight. I'd recognized this move anywhere.

He's about to flip me on the floor but my reflexes are quicker. I swipe my legs under his and watch as he topples over to the floor with a loud grunt.

"Shit," he cursed, obviously not expecting me to deflect his attack.

I couldn't help but smile, and that smile turned into an obnoxious laugh. I finally knew why that boy kept rubbing his back and wishing me luck. He obviously didn't know that Mr. Stark was going to judo-flip him. But luckily for me, that is a signature move that Annabeth does to me in the training arena back at camp. She always tightens her fist around mine and her arm muscles bulge out, preparing to hold my weight. She shifts her feet so she's balanced as she flips me over her and onto the floor. And that is exactly what Mr. Stark did, except I beat him to it.

He slowly got back up, giving me death glances at along the way. I wasn't sure why though, he's the one that tried to flip me. "You're the first kid all day who did that. That's actually hilarious," he breaks into a smile. "Good job, kid. But how did you know I was going to do that?"

"Black belt," I nod to him and he looked at me suspiciously, but then he shook any thoughts he had away and sat back down in his chair.

"Okay, well, however you learned how to do that, we should get started with this interview."


"I was skimming through your resume here and it says you've been to multiple schools? Actually, 7 to be exact," he noted, looking up at my every few seconds.

Ah, Styx.

"I've had some difficult things to deal with as a kid, but I'm a different person now, I swear."

Instead of responding, he continues reading. Every so often, he'd mumble out loud what he was reading.

"okay okay, volunteering at multiple events. . ."

"oh, fascinating. . ."

"swim team?"

"Seems you're really interested with marine biology," he looks at me with a glint in his eye.

After reading for another moment, he just stopped moving but never said anything. I'm about to ask what's wrong when he says something, "You have ADHD and dyslexia?"

"Uh huh," I answered softly. I looked down. I knew this was a disadvantage. I was always embarrassed about having ADHD and dyslexia, I know it helps as a demigod but when it comes to the mortal world, it isn't exactly a good thing.

Mr. Stark seemed to have read my mind because suddenly, he says, "If you think that gives you a disadvantage for getting this internship, you're wrong."

I gave a small smile and he sets down the printed resume he had. He finally started asking me some questions. "What are some of the things you like to do?"

I suddenly broke into a smile. I began to list a few of the many things that I like to do. "Baking blue cookies, (Mr. Stark seemed to raise an eyebrow at that. Well, his loss. If he tried my mom's blue cookies, he would be begging for more), swimming, surfing, road trips, trai- I mean martial arts and-"

But I'm cut off with a loud cough to catch my attention. My eyes widened in fear. Did I ramble off too much? That tends to happen a lot. Mr. Stark's eyes widened as soon as he saw the worry on my face. "My bad, I didn't mean to interrupt you. But I just couldn't wait any longer. Percy, out of all the people I've interviewed today, you were definitely the most interesting one. So, are you sure you want this job? You will commit to it and work hard?"

I nod, and he grins at me, sticking his hand out once again.

"Welcome to Stark Tower, Percy Jackson."


OMG YAYAYA HE GOT THE JOB. also this long chapter is to cover up the fact that the chapter before this was so short and I apologize.

Before I can say anything else, I want to give a shout out to PercyJacksonisGr3at
They were the first person to comment. And I know that doesn't seem like much, but this is my first story and it just really meant a lot to me since they said such kind words.

I also suggest to read their book "DOs and DONTS for writing a book on wattpad"! It's super detailed and descriptive.

I hope you guys liked this chapter as much as I loved writing it.

Peace out, Milky Rose

Percy Jackson: The Intern at Stark TowerWhere stories live. Discover now