Christmas Eve

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Hope you all are having a FANTASTIC holiday, whether you celebrate Christmas or not! Thank you all SO MUCH for 50K reads??? I love you??!! holy shit??!!(*&(*^^$*(&(_??><!!

this is it, this is the chapter y'all have been waiting for!

I may do bonus chapters later depending on if I feel like it, but for now enjoy the VERY LAST chapter of this story!!!!

ITS A GOOD ONE!!!!!!!!!!


*Context note: I know George lives in London irl, but I had him live in Brighton in this story to make trips to London (like in this chapter) more interesting!

**Context note 2: it has been around three months since Dream asked George out!

"You ready yet??"


"Hurry upppp!"

"Okay, jeez." George finished tying his yeezys, slipped on a pair of black gloves and stood up. They were currently in London: Clay had organized a small Christmas trip for the two of them. Now, George got ready to leave the hotel — they were going out for the evening. He stepped out of the hotel room, sticking the keycard in his pocket. At the end of the hallway, Clay grinned at him, holding a hand out as George caught up to him, accepting the offer.

They took the elevator down to the lobby and walked out of the building and onto the street, where the sidewalk was illuminated with the warm, golden glow of the streetlights. The snow fell down from the dark night sky in big, fluffy clumps, covering the surface of the ground in a delicate blanket. On the road, cars honked and cabs flew by. At the end of the crowded London block their hotel was situated on, a couple street performers played lively Christmas music, accompanied by a group of carolers. Clay led them across the street and pulled out his phone with his free hand to check directions.

"You gonna tell me where we're going yet?"

The Floridan smiled slyly, squeezing his hand.

"That would ruin the surprise."

They walked for another 10 minutes, Clay on directions while George enjoyed the winter weather and took in the surroundings of the bustling city around them. Finally, Clay stopped at a fancy building, pulling George inside after him. There was a massive silver Christmas tree in the lobby, decorated with sparkling ornaments. Clay, however, kept walking to the other side of the room, where a large staircase led to the upstairs of the building. They headed up the steps, and at the top, George gasped lightly.


The blond grinned.

"What, you thought I wasn't gonna take you out to some place nice on Christmas eve, dumbass?"

The floor opened up into a large and expensive-looking restaurant. George's nose was overwhelmed with all sorts of good smells as Clay spoke to the host and he led them to a table on the other end of the restaurant. As they arrived at the table, George finally clocked what was so special about this restaurant. For starters, in the middle of the room, there was no floor: glass railings surrounded the section, serving as a form of balcony overlooking the lobby downstairs, where the top of the giant silver tree poked through. Low-hanging modern chandeliers spanned out across the ceiling of the restaurant, and silver and gold decorations glimmered along the top of the walls and on the shiny table tops. Waiters hurried about all around, chatting kindly to customers and serving food and drinks. However, the most breath-taking sight was the floor-to-ceiling windows that surrounded the outer walls of the restaurant, where a perfect view of the glowing city across the Thames (Thames = river running through London) was in sight. The table Clay had reserved was right against this outer window-wall, and George was in awe as he stared out at the night sky and took in the sight of the beautiful London cityscape.

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