The Party pt. 2

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*content warning: alcohol use, slight lime/sexual implications*



The large group around the table cheered as he got the last ball in.

"*hic* LET'S GOOOO!!!!" George screamed alongside him, raising his glass clumsily.

At the other end of the table, Wilbur slammed a fist into the table, causing some of the empty cups to fall over.

"Fuck." he groaned. Beside him, Niki laughed and pushed him lightly.

"Get over it, Will. They won fair and square. Good game, guys!" Out of the four of them playing, Clay could tell she was the only one who wasn't absolutely zooted.

"Alright, time for your losing shots, loser." George snorted, attempting to pour vodka into three shot glasses but completely missing each target. Phil stepped forward from the crowd around them and took the bottle from his hands, laughing. He poured the shots and then set them on Wilbur's side of the table. Wilbur groaned, picking up the first one.

"Let's give him a countdown." Clay's comment earned a cheer from everyone around him.

"3...2...1..." They chanted.


Wilbur tilted his head up, downing the first one, before swiftly moving to the next one. He hesitated before the last one, slapping himself in the face in an effort to steady himself. He drank the last shot, slamming the empty glass down on the table as people whooped and cheered around him. He raised his arms in triumph briefly, before almost falling over backwards. Niki put an arm around him and led him to the couch.

"Hey, *hic* Dream..."

Clay looked down, grinning goofily as he met George's glassy, half-lidded eyes.

"Hi Georgie."

"You're hot." George poked his chest, giggling

"I know." he giggled back.

George grabbed his face and brought it towards him, kissing him drunkenly.

"WOAHHHHH...get a room you two."

They broke apart as Fundy walked by them, chuckling, his arm around some girl Clay vaguely recognized but didn't have the energy to fully remember.

Clay took another swig of his drink, then looked down into his cup. He wasn't even sure what he was drinking at this point, but he didn't care. He felt so light. So free.

I wonder if I can-

He took a step forward and the room immediately started spinning.

Woah. he giggled to himself. Nevermind.

"Wanna go *hic* sit, Clay?" George half-yelled at him over the music.

Clay waited for the floor to stop moving and then nodded at him. He grabbed his boyfriend's hand as they made their way over to one of the free couches. He fell onto it, pulling the brown-haired man down onto his lap. George turned around, wrapping his hands around his neck as he straddled him.

"Hi." he giggled again.

Clay closed the gap between them and kissed him once more, his hands running up George's back and through his hair. He could barely feel his face at all, but he was still hyper-aware of George's lips against his own. George sat deeper in his lap, his hands still cupping Clay's face. Clay almost let a moan out before he remembered where they were and slowly pulled away. George opened his eyes, confused for a second, before he too clocked the situation.

"Oh...forgot we were here to be honest." He snorted, bursting into fits of laughter. Clay wheezed and lost it as well. He should have felt embarrassed and self-conscious, but he didn't. At all. Plus, no one was watching them — and even if anyone did see them, they were too either too distracted or just too black out drunk to care.

"I like this party but I also *hic* wish we were at *hic*-home right now..." George's words slurred as he grinned slyly at him.

Clay returned the grin, leaning forward to whisper into his ear.

"You'll be glad we're here in front of all these people when I tell you the things I want to do to you at home...alone..."

Clay heard the other's breath hitch. George's eyes glinted as he looked at him.

"Tell me."

Clay bit his lip, thinking.

"No, I don't think I will actually." he winked.

"You *hic* bitch." George frowned at him.

Clay grinned harder, running his hands up George's thighs, teasing him. George lifted his hands away, tutting.

"Gosh, keep it in your pants, Dream." He snickered. He turned and lowered himself so that he was cuddled more comfortably in Clay's arms, laying against his chest. Clay kissed the top of his head, wrapping his arms around him protectively.

"I wonder where s...sapnap is..." his own words were starting to echo quite loudly in his head.

"He walked into the bathroom with some girl like 20 minutes ago." George murmured from his lap, half asleep.

"OoOoo." Clay giggled.

In a dazed state, he scanned the room once more. The music was still loud but the talking had lessened significantly as people lay passed out around them on the couches, chairs and even the floor. Clay could see Phil, Techno and a few others through the doorway playing what appeared to be a civilized game of cards in the kitchen. Moving his eyes back into the room that they were in, he spotted Wilbur once again, eyes closed and mouth wide open as he laid his head in Niki's lap and she pressed a wet cloth to his forehead. On the other side of the room, Schlatt, Ted, Minx and several other people were fast asleep sitting against the wall, drinks still in hand.

Clay looked down and noticed that George's eyes were now fully closed and he was snoring lightly.

What time is it?

Clay felt his own head begin to lul, his eyelids growing heavy. He had felt so lively and wide awake less than an hour ago, but now his head pounded and his ears buzzed, his brain beginning to shut off as he leaned back on the couch pillow.

His eyes started to close on their own, and the room darkened around him as the affects of the alcohol subdued him and he slipped out of consciousness.

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