I'll Wait For You

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*again, very very mild lime warning*

They barely made it back to the car.

Clay opened the back door of the Acura with one hand, pushing George gently down onto the backseats with his other hand. George lay on his back as Clay fell on top of him, kissing him passionately. Clay's lips were soft and warm; his breath minty and fresh. Kissing him made George feel intoxicated in all the best ways, and the longer they kissed the further he got lost in him.

Clay broke off for a second, the two of them panting for breath. His lips dipped back down, this time coming into contact with George's jaw as he placed a string of delicate kisses down his neck and behind his ear. George gasped loudly as Clay found his sweet spot and lightly grazed his teeth against his skin. He moved back up, leaning in closer and whispering into George's ear:

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this."

In response, George wrapped his arms around Clay's neck, tangling his fingers in his soft, wavy hair. His breath hitched as he felt a hand play around with the bottom of his t-shirt before sliding underneath it and moving up his chest. The feeling of Clay's smooth, warm hand against his bare skin sent shivers down George's spine, causing his heart-rate to increase even more.

He felt the other man stop suddenly, removing his hand and lifting his head back up to give George a quick peck on the lips.

"I'd love to continue but this maybe isn't the place." Clay smirked.

"Ye-yeah... yeah you're right." George was brought back down to Earth as the tall, tan american slid off of him, sitting at his feet, leaning his head back against the seat's headrest.

If he was being completely honest, he had been so caught up in the moment that he had temporarily forgotten that they were in the backseat of his car in the airport parking lot. He sat up, facing Clay. The other man met his gaze, his striking green eyes meeting George's deep brown ones. George couldn't help the smile that grew on his face, and Clay mirrored it.

George leaned forward, pressing his lips against Clay's one last time, enjoying the last of the high he was on before pulling away and opening the door.

"Home?" he inquired.

In response, Clay grinned and stepped out his side of the car, moving up to the passenger's seat. George got into the driver's seat, putting the key into the ignition and starting the engine.

The drive back was quiet, but nothing needed to be said. Every few minutes, they would catch each other glancing at the other, and they'd both smile and giggle.

Finally, they made it back to his apartment. Somehow, it was evening already and the sun was starting to set. As soon as George stepped through the door, he took off his shoes and walked to the bathroom. Inside, he stood by the sink, staring at his reflection in the mirror.

Am I dreaming right now?

He still couldn't quite process what was happening. He should have felt over the moon, and yet something was bugging him — a constant, nagging doubt that remained in his head. This whole thing was so sudden. Not to say he wasn't thrilled that Clay seemed to be into him, but he was also scared. Very scared. He was new to all this. He'd never felt so strongly about anyone before in his life. Sure, he'd had crushes as a kid, but this was different. For starters, he'd never liked a guy before. And this was far more than some high school crush and George knew it.

Breaking out of his thoughts, he heard a knock on the door.

"George? Are you okay?" Clay spoke quietly.

George walked over to the door and opened it, looking up at the tall man before him. He stayed there for a couple seconds, unsure of what to do next. Eventually, he opened his mouth, trying to speak, before closing it again. He tried again.


He took a deep breath.

"I really like you. Like a lot. I... suppose I'm just scared. I don't want to get hurt. I don't think I'd be able to handle it if you didn't feel the same way about me."

His friend looked at him intently, as if he were trying to read his thoughts. He brushed his fingers across George's cheek.

"I thought my actions made it kind of clear how I feel about you." he smiled nervously.

George returned the smile, hopefully.

"So..so you like like me?"

In response, Clay dipped his head down, tilting his head slightly as he kissed him lightly. Pulling away, he gave him a goofy grin.

"You're okay, I guess."

George couldn't help the grin that was spreading across his own face now. He wrapped his arms around the green-eyed american, resting his head on his chest, breathing in that comforting mojito scent. The other man pulled him even closer, stroking his hair. George closed his eyes for a second, feeling safe and calm. He felt the warmth of Clay's skin beneath his hoodie; felt the steady rhythm of his heart beat against his own resting head.

"I'm really into you, Georgie." Clay whispered to him softly.

"We can take things slow if you want. If you're not ready for a full relationship yet, I understand. But just know that I really like you. And I'll be here waiting for you, whenever you're ready. I'm not going anywhere."

George held onto him, eyes still closed, smiling happily.

So this is what it feels like to be in love.

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