Chapter Thirty-Six | The Rebel Victor

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This is it! The last chapter! I'd love to hear what you thought of the story! To give you something to type about, here are some questions!

1. What did you think of the story as a whole?

2. What did you think of Quinn?

3. If you could change one thing, what would it be if anything?

4. Will you be looking for the sequel?

5. Is there any character (OC) you want to know more about or see more of?

Stay classy! And stay tuned to my profile for the sequel!


The dinner table was silent, as it always was. Things had become much less stressful since the games ended. President Snow could get back to his usual business and not have to worry much about how he had to contain Quinn Maverick. But since the games, there had been small riots and strikes in Districts Seven, Six, and Eleven. Of course, they weren't all that hard to contain, but they were becoming a nuisance.

"Is it true, grandpa? Are all of those riots because of Quinn?" Celestia asked, looking up from her plate at President Snow. Orion sat across from her and avoided looking up at either of them. Instead he only stole a glance at their grandfather out of the corner of his eye.

Snow sighed, "You make it sound as if there are hundreds of them every day," he replied. "There have only been four, maybe five since the first one in District Seven." he explained simply.

"Maybe they've just been in the making, Tia." Orion shrugged, "I bet it's not all that great in the Districts."

"What do you mean by that, Orion?" Snow asked, setting his fork down and eyeing his grandson closely. He had always had a certain spark about him like his father had. It was something that Snow didn't appreciate either. It wasn't a hatred for him or the Capitol, but it was a sympathetic look at the world-- a way of looking at rebels and not seeing them as just that, a rebel. Instead, they looked at them as people expressing an opinion against just what made the Capitol strong.

"I mean..." Orion paused, looking up at his grandfather. "I just mean that maybe they want a bit more help from the Capitol is all...and the games to be a bit less...barbaric."

Snow leaned back in his seat, and folded his arms across his chest. "Enlighten me, Orion. How would you run Panem? Would you give a years worth of food and material to every lowerclass citizen?" he asked, "How would you handle the riots while they are asking for more while we give them plenty to live off of?"

Celestia forced herself to look back down at her meal.

Orion stared back at his grandfather, "I'm just..." his voice trailed off when President Snow raised an eyebrow sharply. "Nevermind, grandpa."

As the meal dragged on it was full of more silence than anything else. Occasionally, Celestia would strike up a conversation with their grandfather, but Orion always kept his head down. Then once the meal came to an end, Celestia hurried off to finish a school assignment that she had been avoiding. Orion had a habit of doing the same thing, most of his school assignments didn't get turned in until reports were going out. Then he turned them in all at once, poorly done...but still.

"Orion, would you meet me in my office?" President Snow asked as Orion pushed back from the table and stood up.

"I made plans with Shimmer," he replied. Snow had to keep himself from scoffing or rolling his eyes. Shimmer was another one that he couldn't stand, her parents had gone into debt so much that her father got sent off to Two, and her mother was still a dits. She was one of the many that kept putting the Capitol in more and more debt.

"It will only take a few minutes of your precious time." President Snow replied, "I have something I would like to discuss with you."

Orion sighed, "Yeah...I'll be right there," he huffed rolling his eyes a bit as he left the dinning hall, probably to go find a fresh pair of clothes to change in to.

President Snow made his way through the house, the cielings were high and carved by hand. The house was made of only the finest stone from District Thirteen-- the house had originially been built years before the rebellion, and only added onto. Down the hall, there were tall maple doors that had the Capitol shield carved delicatly into the wood. He entered his office and walked into the room. He then took his seat at his desk, pressing on the small projection screen. He had saved a few video clips, all of which he would need to send into the Peacekeepers to identify the rebels.

He found the single one that he had seen that didn't just anger him, it disappointed him.

"What was it you needed to talk about?" Orion asked as he strutted into the office with a longer sleeved black leather jacket.

Snow looked him over, "You will be with Shimmer this evening?" he asked, "That outfit looks like a perfect one for your little outing." he added, a coldness in his tone he had only used when he was truely disappointed or disgusted.

Snow turned the projection around so Orion could see a clear view of it. It was of a street in the Capitol, a bunch of the kids around Quinn Maverick's age-- the radical ones, had covered business windows, signs, and anything they could find with three things.



and finally Pearl.

"What sort of outing would you call this then?" Snow asked, pausing it and pressing a switch to zoom in on the face that had caught his eye. "Is this how you have chosen to spend your time?" he asked as it focused in on Orion's face. "You and your friends do not understand how disrespectful that girl has been, and you make her out to be a hero? A symbol? She is neither, she is a problem that I refuse to let you assiciate yourself with in any way."

Orion remained quiet for a moment, "But...but she's right."

Snow was taken aback by his response, "Causing people to rebel against the ones who give them food? Protection? Is that really the cause you want to be a part of, Orion?"

"But that's not the cause," he retorted, "The cause is the fact that the Districts are treated like shit and you let them send some kid who doesn't have a chance to die every year." he said in a bitter tone.

Snow glared at him, "The Hunger Games are the very reason we have avoided these riots, they have stopped use from having to destroy another District like Thirteen."

Orion rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I'm leaving."

"Orion, I did not say you could leave yet." Snow said sternly as his grandson turned to leave.

Orion scoffed, "Yeah? Watch me leave then." he retorted coldly.

As Orion opened the door to leave, Commander Lewis, the head Peacekeeper in the Capitol stepped into the office as Orion brushed passed him roughly. The Commander looked after Orion for a second before walking all the way into the office.

Snow angrily went through a few videos until she got to one of District Four. A casual video, nothing out of the ordinary. But he had wanted to keep an eye on Maverick so he had more cameras installed. The vide was of her standing near the ocean, at the ruins of the warehouse.

Snow pressed a finger on his temple as if to relieve some of the stress that was beginning to give him a headache. "They look to her as if she is one of them. They think she'll fight with them. They are calling her the Rebel Victor." he ranted, "I've done all I can to stop it."

"Sir, her Victory Tour is coming up. Once they see her doing the same thing as every other Victor, they'll see she's no different."

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