Chapter Five | The Mockingjay Pin

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The next morning came extremely slowly. Quinn hadn't been able to sleep at all throughout the night, her thoughts were consumed by the idea of where she was going and why she was going there. The Reaping played itself over and over again in her head, Finnick's advice to her about playing for pity, Mags advice about alliance and how they could really only trust their district partner, and finally the fact that either one of them or neither of them would be going home. Those thoughts didn't stop even as the five of them were seated at the table and eating breakfast.

"Today is going to be a very big day for you two," Remilda smiled. "I'm sure you'll love it! A whole day getting pampered and preparing for the parade!" her smiled grew even wider.

She was wearing a lime green dress, and her hair matched. Her lips were a pastel green color--it was easily the worst outfit that Quinn had ever seen her in. Whenever she saw Remilda though, even when she was just on stage, she couldn't help but wonder what Remilda naturally looked like. If she hadn't gotten all the help from the Capitol, would she be that skinny? Would the shape of her face be that perfect? Would her eyes be dull brown and not the icy blue color they were? Quinn even wondered what Victor's would look like if they hadn't become a Victor. Would Mags look like the other old women in Four who looked like they were made of paper? Would Annie have scars covering her hands from making nets and would her hair be already turning grey? What about Finnick? The heartthrob of the entire nation...would he only be the heartthrob of District Four? Would he even be a heartthrob at all or would he just be another man working on the fishing boats?

"Have you two been thinking at all how you want to make your first impression?" Finnick asked.

Arkon glanced at Mags and then shook his head, "I've got a few ideas."

Quinn sighed, "Not sure...I don't see why we have to lie to make a good impression."

Finnick frowned, "Don't think of it as lying, think of it as stretching the truth."

Mags nodded in agreement and then looked at Arkon and then Quinn. She then held her fingers up like she had before.

"You think they should be friends?" Finnick asked, and Mags nodded.

Finnick thought for a moment, "If you guys could pull that off, the Capitol people would love it..."

His voice was quickly drowned out by the sound of a loud rushing sound that surrounded the entire train as the sunlight was blocked out. The train emerged from the tunnel, and Quinn could see the shimmering buildings that made up the Capitol.

Both Arkon and Quinn got up from the table and hurried to the window to watch the Capitol grow bigger and bigger as the train got closer to it. Despite the reason they were both even on the train going to the Capitol, Quinn couldn't help but feel a ball of excitement building up in her stomach. The Capitol was beautiful, and for a moment Quinn didn't even care that she was a tribute in the Hunger Games. Then when she felt a hand lightly touch her shoulder, she was quickly pulled back into reality. She turned and expected to see Mags, but instead she saw Remilda gazing out at the nearing Capitol.

She let out a sigh of relief, "It's wonderful to finally be back home..." she smiled and then looked at Quinn and Arkon. "Take it all in, children, everyone there already loves you!"

Quinn sighed, "The same people who are waiting to watch us kill eachother." she mumbled quietly under her breath. Then with that, Quinn turned back towards the table and sat back down as the train rushed through a second tunnel and jolted as it began to slow down.

Then as the train emerged from the tunnel, loud cheering could be heard through the walls of the train car. Mags was the first to stand up, she quickly tugged at her shirt to straighten it, then tucked her hair behind her ears before she turned and made her way to Arkon. She put an arm around him and gave him a sideways hug as she waved with her other hand--Arkon waved too. It took Quinn a moment to realize what she was doing. She was making a good impression for Arkon, she was already trying to get him Sponsors.

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