Chapter Four | The Team & Recaps

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I remember getting more feedback when I had specific questions! So here are some!

1. What do you think of Quinns character so far?

2. What do you more of when it comes to the relationships between the characters? What do you think of the peacekeeper that's introduced?

3. Anything else?

Remember to recommend to others!

Stay Classy!


After the meeting with Finnick, the avox that had served them coffee showed her to the room that was meant for her. It was clearly a District Four room. The curtains were white with elegant green stitching, the bed was under the window and gave a perfect view of the sky. The blanket was sea foam green and had the seal of District for in the center, and then above it was the Capitol seal. The bedside lamp had pearls bordering the lamp shades hems while seashells were decorating the outside of it.

There was a closet too, all with custom designed clothes that had been put there for the tribute. She looked through everything, it was all completely new to her. She had never had completely new clothes or shoes. Then attached to the room, was a bathroom that had various different decorations to make it seem like a bathroom in District Four.

Quinn had decided to take advantage of the privacy that the room gave her. She took a towel out of a drawer and set it on the counter of the sink before she stripped out of her clothes and stepped into the shower. She couldn't remember the last time she had taken a good quality hot shower, but the feeling of the hot water reminded her of the hot baths she took every other day when she was little. But she had never gotten to use the bright pink soap and shampoo that smelt like flowers.

For awhile it was nice and relaxing. Until she ruined it for herself by remembering that she was on the train to go to the Capitol to be a part of the Hunger Games. That was the sickest part about the games--they pampered the tributes. They seemed to try to make them feel important, valuable...but they weren't valuable. They could easily be replaced the next year. They weren't important unless they won the games.

She didn't understand how people could just think people, children could be so disposable. It even happened right in her District, people tried to act like the orphans like her didn't exist. Just like the tributes in the games. Once they died, the only people who cared were family and friends. Any sponsor who claimed to care didn't, they just moved on to another tribute.

Quinn pushed those thoughts out of her head and stepped out of the shower. She had to try and enjoy some of the luxurious things around her. Some of the things that the Capitol did for the tributes was nice, and worth enjoying.

Quinn wrapped herself with the towel and quickly went out and found a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt and everything else she would need before going straight back into the bathroom. She looked into the mirror after she had pulled on the new clothes. Her hair was long, dark brown and was far over due for a cut. Her skin was tan from spending so much time in the sun, and her eyes were such a dark shade of brown that they looked black.

She had her fathers eyes and hair, but the people who had known her parents said she was just like her mother. Pig headed--she was stubborn and never really took strict orders easily. She knew that her stubbornness was going to be a problem, especially with the advice Finnick had already given her. She was supposed to just act like she couldn't do anything, like she was weak--which physically she was, but she had no trouble thinking about things. She had survived with minimal encounters with peacekeepers after all.

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