Meeting Kevin

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Meanwhile in Bellevue High School, a young man was in history class. He had light brown hair, dark blue eyes, wore a hooded Chicago Bulls sweatshirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers with blue shoelaces. This was Kevin Beaumont.

Kevin was passing in his classes, so he knew he'd graduate

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Kevin was passing in his classes, so he knew he'd graduate. Kevin listened to the teacher and took notes, remembering everything he said. The teacher concluded, "you'll find tonight's homework at my desk. Please finish your homework and turn it in by tomorrow. Any questions?" As the bell rung, Kevin got his homework when he felt his phone vibrate. Kevin picked up the phone and saw a new text message from his mom. Andrea texted, "Kevin, please don't take the bus today. There's someone who will be picking you up after school." Kevin scratched his head and said to himself, "huh, that's unusual. I wonder who's picking me up?" Kevin got his backpack from his locker, packing everything up. Kevin then went outside to the front entrance. He saw a black limousine, and in front of the limousine was Bruce Wayne. Kevin gave a look of surprise and thought "Bruce Wayne?? I mean, my dad?"

"Hello Kevin." Bruce said in his billionaire playboy voice, "I asked your mother if I could pick you up. Care to come with me?" Kevin was at a loss for words, but his brain managed to reconnect with his mouth and his legs, and he walked up to Bruce, saying, "sure... Mr. Wayne. It's really great to meet you..." Kevin shook Bruce's hand. "Likewise Mr. Beaumont," replied Bruce. Kevin eyed Alfred and said, "you must be Mr. Wayne's butler and confidant, Alfred Pennyworth. It's nice to meet you Alfred." The butler smiled and said, "it is nice to meet you as well, Mr. Beaumont." Kevin then went inside the limousine. "I must say," commented Alfred, "Miss Jones was right. Mr. Beaumont kind of looks like you when you were in your teenage years, Master Bruce." Bruce nodded and said, "he certainly does." Bruce then went inside the limousine and set next to Kevin. Kevin was buckled up and he touched the leather seats in amazement. "Comfy?" Bruce asked. "Yeah," admitted Kevin, "must admit, I've never been inside a limousine before. This is nice." As Alfred drove, Bruce smirked and said, "you get used to it. Kevin before I get down to business, let's get personal. I found out about your existence thanks to my associate Lucius Fox. I did some detective work, and I found out I'm your father. I'm sorry that I couldn't be there when you were born, and that I couldn't see you take your first steps and say your first words. But I promise you, I will make it up to you, regardless of the fact that I'm, well... You know who." Kevin chuckled and winked at him. "All of this feels so surreal," admitted Kevin, "it's always been a childhood dream of mine to meet my father. The fact that it's coming true is amazing." Bruce smiled a little and said, "another reason I found you is because I want to personally congratulate you Kevin. You have won a scholarship to Gotham University, personally financed by Wayne Enterprises!" Kevin's eyes widened and he asked, "you mean, once I graduate from high school, I'll be attending college in Gotham?" Bruce nodded and said, "yes Kevin. I even have a certificate that states you'll be attending GU." Kevin got genuinely excited and said, "oh my gosh! Thank you so much Mr. Wayne, I mean, Dad... I mean..." He shook Bruce's hand excitedly. "Believe me son," said Bruce, "your mother is very excited as well. She and I couldn't be more proud of you right now."

"I guess the downside is I'll have to leave my mom, Bellevue, and everyone in it," said Kevin, "this city means a lot to me. I'll definitely miss it." Bruce placed his hand around Kevin's shoulder and said, "I promise, I'll make sure it's worth it. In fact, to make life easier, how would you like to live at Wayne Manor instead of a dorm room at the University during your stay in Gotham? We could get to know each other as father and son. And I could introduce you to Dick and Tyler. They'll like you." Kevin hesitated and asked, "are you sure? I wouldn't want to intrude or anything..." Bruce shook his head and replied, "nonsense! There are tons of rooms in the manor that I haven't stepped foot upon in years. It'll be no trouble." Kevin smiled and said, "that'd be great! Thank you so much for this opportunity, Dad." Bruce gave a small smile and said, "of course." Soon graduation came, and Kevin graduated Bellevue High School, earning his high school diploma. After that, Kevin packed his things and everything else he needed. When it was time to leave Bellevue, Kevin hugged his mother goodbye. "I'll make you proud Mom," promised Kevin. "You already do Kevin," said Andrea, "I love you to the stars and back." She was really going to miss her son. "Love you too Mom," said Kevin as he looked at his mother one last time. Soon Kevin left his childhood hometown, ready to go to Gotham. It took less than two days to get from Bellevue to Gotham. Once they made it to Wayne Manor, Bruce said, "Kevin Beaumont, welcome to your new home here."

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