Payback's A Bitch

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It had been a month since Barbara was discharged from the hospital. And true to Kevin's word, he was there for her when it came to Barbara's physical therapy, and her therapy sessions while talking with Dinah. It made Barbara feel better that Kevin and her father were there for her. It was a sunny afternoon, and Kevin was with Barbara as they were strolling around the city. Wilbur was perched on Kevin's shoulder like a parrot. As they walked, Barbara looked up at Kevin and said, "I'm really sorry that I couldn't be there during your graduation ceremony."

"Hey, it's okay," said Kevin, "bright side is, the ceremony was video taped. We could watch it together." Barbara smiled and said, "that would be nice. Plus, at least I'll be there for your birthday. So that's good." A few minutes later, they could hear some familiar but malevolent cackling. "Oh no..." Barbara quietly said, getting scared. Suddenly, The Joker ran right into Kevin. It was like running into a pole. Joker got back up and said, "hey, watch where you're going, you idiot!" Kevin frowned. Joker looked at Kevin and said, "what the hell are you supposed to be? Some sort of ThunderCats ripoff?"

"You..." growled Kevin, clenching his fists. Joker then saw Barbara and said, "why Barbara Gordon! What a pleasant surprise! We sure had some fun four months ago!" He laughed maniacally. Kevin roared and punched Joker straight in the face, breaking all of Joker's teeth. Joker landed on his ass, looking at all his teeth falling out. "muh... sthmile!" Joker weakly said, "you ruined muh sthmile!" He attempted to pick them up, but Kevin grabbed Joker by his hair, picking him up. "Too bad," growled Kevin as he put Joker up front to Barbara, "care to do the honors? Just because we can't kill him doesn't mean we have to go easy on him." Barbara smiled and said, "I thought you'd never ask. Wilbur, time to cover your eyes." Wilbur looked away as Barbara used her fists to punch Joker in the nose a couple times, and then right in the nutsack. "What's the matter puddin'?" taunted Barbara, "don't you find this funny? Who's laughing now?" Kevin then proceeded to slam Joker around and thrash him around as if he was a ragdoll. Kevin glared at the now bloodied and bruised Joker. "This is for what you did to my girlfriend," growled Kevin, "you should be grateful I'm letting you live." He then slammed Joker onto the road, breaking his back. Joker was laughing and crying. "Gotta say, that felt really good," said Barbara. "Hell yeah it did," agreed Kevin, "it was therapeutic. Let's call your dad, get this waste of life back into Arkham." A few minutes later, Commissioner Gordon came in and arrested Joker. It felt like a good karmic comeuppance for The Joker. After all, payback is a bitch.

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