Birthday Cure

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It was now July 28th, which meant it was Kevin's birthday. This would also be Kevin's first birthday as a Splicer. But Kevin didn't mind that because it meant he could be with his friends and family, and his loving girlfriend Barbara. Andrea even came to Gotham to celebrate her son's birthday. Kevin got to eat his favorite breakfast and got to go to the movies with Bruce, Dick, Tim, Tyler, Alfred, Andrea, and Barbara. Kevin even got various gift cards to places he liked, much to his delight.

Soon they were all back at Wayne Manor. Alfred had made a delicious ice cream cake with mint chocolate chip ice cream, as that was Kevin's favorite flavor. After eating his favorite dinner, everyone sang Happy Birthday to Kevin, and Kevin got to blow out the candles. Everyone then ate the cake, enjoying the cool creaminess of the mint chocolate chip ice cream. After everyone was finished eating cake, Bruce then said, "Kevin, I actually have a big surprise for you." Kevin perked up and asked, "what's the surprise, Dad?" Bruce cleared his throat and said, "it's taken me a while, but I have successfully made a serum that will cure you of your condition, turning you back into a human." Everyone gasped in excitement. "You mean it?" Kevin asked in astonishment. "I do," said Bruce, "it's taken me several attempts, but I've finally managed to successfully create a serum that will undo the Splicing, curing you. Consider this my gift to you, my son. Would you like to take it now?" Kevin nodded excitedly and said, "yes, please!" Andrea squealed in excitement, "my baby boy's going to be human again!" Barbara smiled and said, "I'm so happy for you!" A couple minutes later, Bruce came back with a syringe with a yellow liquid. "You'll have to forgive me," explained Bruce, "I had to make sure it was cryogenically frozen in a super coolant freezer, especially after running several tests. It's safe to take it. You just need to take it as if you were being given a flu shot."

"Well I'm not really a fan of the sharp needle stuff," said Kevin, "especially after what I've endured. But I think this will be worth any pain. Can we take it now, please?" Bruce smiled and said, "of course." Kevin then stood up, getting ready to be administered the cure. "This might hurt a little," warned Bruce, "and you might feel a tad bit nauseous." Kevin chuckled, "nothing I've dealt with before." Bruce then put the needle inside Kevin's left arm, and inserted the serum inside Kevin. Bruce then took out the syringe. "You should expect the cure to work in less than a minute," said Bruce. Less than a minute later, Kevin gripped his stomach, getting nauseous. The nausea in his stomach was enough to make Kevin double over and fall flat on his back. He felt his body shrink and fur start to retract, and his mane turn back into regualr human hair. His elongated clothes shrank alongside Kevin's unswelling body as his animalistic features turned more human, and his tail also retracted. Soon, Kevin's fur, fangs, and other lion like features were all gone, he was now back to his regular height of 5'11.5, and he was back to being a human. Kevin was now cured! Kevin got up and groggily said, "did it work?" His voice was now back to its regualr baritone/tenor voice. Andrea smiled and said, "it worked, sweetie." She gave Kevin a mirror. Kevin held it, looking at his reflection. Kevin was excited to find he was back to normal. He also felt his teeth, which weren't sharp and dagger like. He smiled and said, "It worked! It really worked!" Wilbur meowed at Kevin, trying to know if he could recognize his master. Kevin picked up Wilbur and said, "don't worry Wilbur, it's me. It's Kevin." Wilbur could recognize Kevin and meowed, nuzzling Kevin's face. Kevin smiled at Bruce and said, "Thank you so much, Dad! This means so much to me!" He let Wilbur down and then hugged Bruce. Dick smirked and said, "We got a hugger here."  Andrea and Barbara joined in hugging Bruce, mostly to hug Kevin. Dick, Tim, and Tyler joined in on hugging as well. Bruce smiled and said, "happy birthday Kevin."

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