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After Barbara was discharged from the hospital, she was updated about everything she'd missed during her three month coma. But Barbara was also dealing with the fact that she would never walk again, which meant she'd never get to do the things she liked to do, including being Batgirl. Kevin would always help her with the things she wasn't able to do due to her paralysis. Simple things Barbara took for granted back when she could walk. It frustrated Barbara. She was afraid Kevin would leave her because she was crippled.

It was a week after she was discharged from the hospital. Barbara was at Wayne Manor. She was looking down sadly as she held her Batgirl costume. She saw Wilbur walking in. He meowed. "Hello Wilbur," she said softly. Wilbur meowed in response and wandered over to her. Wilbur then pawed at her feet. This made Barbara giggle a little. "You like my feet?" she asked, smiling a little as Wilbur continued pawing them. "Well it's nice to know my feet are useful for something." She then reached for Wilbur and picked the kitten up. The kitten purred as he nuzzled himself on Barbara's belly. "Good kitty," she said as she pet Wilbur, giving him a belly rub. Kevin walked in and said, "I see you're getting along with Wilbur."

"He certainly is a good therapy cat," said Barbara as she smiled at Kevin a little. "You okay?" Kevin asked as he knelt down to look at Barbara. "Pretty far from okay Kev," said Barbara, "I hate what he's done to me. I hate being stuck in this chair. I hate that I can't be Batgirl. I miss the feeling of flight..." She looked down sadly. Kevin tenderly touched her face and said, "hey, I know what'll cheer you up. Come with me." Barbara then rolled her wheelchair while following Kevin outside Wayne Manor, Wilbur following suit. They were then outside in the backyard. "Fun fact," began Kevin, "did you know that a lion can run 50 miles per hour? They can also leap forward to 36 feet."

"I don't think I've read that fact," said Barbara as she adjusted her glasses, fascinated by this fact. "Well I have the speed and strength of a lion," said Kevin, "I've tested how fast I can run and how far I can leap forward. How would you and Wilbur like to go for a ride?" He playfully winked at Barbara. She thought for a moment. It would be like experiencing flight back when she was Batgirl. She held Kevin's hand and said, "Sure." Kevin then gently picked Barbara up, holding her in his arms. She held Wilbur carefully. "You ready?" Kevin asked. "Yeah, I'm ready," said Barbara. Kevin then started to run really fast, his miles going faster and faster. Once he reached 50, Kevin leapt forward. Barbara laughed with excitement at the feeling of flight as the wind rushed through her hair. It felt like the thrill of when she would be freefalling from building to building as Batgirl. It felt exhilarating. Kevin was leaping 36 feet forward and then he landed somewhere else. Wilbur meowed, surprised by the sudden rush. "How did that feel?" Kevin asked. "That felt amazing," said Barbara, "felt like I was taking flight again. Let's do that a few more times." Kevin smirked and said, "as you wish." For the next hour, Kevin carried Barbara and Wilbur while running and leaping 36 feet forward. The rush felt great for the three of them. Soon Kevin rested in the backyard, drinking water. "I wish we could have done that sooner," said Barbara. "Guess there's always a bright side to something," said Kevin. Barbara played with Wilbur, who was enjoying the attention. "Thank you Kevin," said Barbara, "this is the first time I've felt genuinely happy." Kevin wrapped his arm around Barbara and said, "well I'd hate to see you miserable. I promise Barbara, I'll be with you through everything as you rehabilitate. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually." Barbara kissed Kevin and said, "thank you Kevin. That means so much to me. I love you." Kevin nuzzled Barbara the way a lion would to his mate and replied, "I love you too."

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