Locked with Loki

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AUTHORS NOTE: HI! Welcome to a new chapter, thank you for reading, hope you enjoy.😊


The glass door opened without a sound despite the rusty locks indicating otherwise. "It could be just me but did the room just get colder?" Inside walks in a slim dark figure with a green cape. Golden embellishments were dancing around his darker clothing seeping in nearly unnoticeable details. 

Even tho the striking image of him stuns me in fear, I must pay attention. I must notice. I must stay as sharp as a knife, I tried calming my self, but I'm a coward. Despite that fact, I try and keep my head high as the cold chill of terror started flowing through my veins. Instinctively I try to give one last push against the rope tying me. A strike of pain in my wrists puts a stop to my efforts before they have even begun.

 He is coming closer fast. Upon his head lies a helmet of golden horns, as my vision fades from this eye-catching peace I start to see it and slowly turn pale at the sight of my captor. He's been in a fight, the top of his cheekbone was grazed with a cut, In fact, his whole body seemed ruffed up. Bloody cuts on his arms and a tear on the cloak. He was pacing quickly towards me, footsteps ringing on the cold tiled floor, a most dreadful sound.

 My breath turns shallow again but I fight to control it. The expression on his face is an epitome of rage. At this point, my breathing is making my fear noticeable. As he stops facing the wall he is doing anything but that. In one swift move, he takes off his helmet, a movement then causes his dark hair to fall out in a chaotic wavy motion. He runs his hand unnerved trough his hair with his helmet in the other. After staring at it for a few seconds in a mixture of shock and fear, shaking with rage, he throws it on the wall he was faced to. He does it with such fury, that it bounces off right back to his feet. He stares at it in a way I could not even interpret. Defeat maybe? But he changed expressions so fast that It made something flinch in my gut, like an animal instinct, telling me to run, fast and away from the situation. 

His turned towards me swiftly. His face was filled with venom and disdain, as he comes towards me slowly like he is the predator and I am the prey. He put his arms on the handles of my chair with an unsettling amount of elegance and calmness for someone who was in an uncontrollable outrage just a few seconds ago. I jump at every move he makes as he gets closer. I was now shaking in fear and panic and he could see it. Trying to ignore the fear and pain as I'm fighting against the restrains to set free. His face was now only an inch from mine. The face of my captor, and I recognised him- Loki of Asgard.

AUTHORS NOTE: You are now face to face with Loki-will he go in for a kiss or will he go in for the kill? 

Hi sorry for a short chapter but my cat was sick and I couldn't not keep him hugged💕😊, his name is Tony btv, but worry not I will be writing another chapter tomorrow and a long one.⏱ As usually please do level me any spell check/errors in the comments so I can correct them. We learn from our mistakes and I want to learn from mine.💞

Have a grate day!❤

My word is my bond /Loki x Reader/Bucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now