Your / Name

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Hi!As promised a longer chapter.😊 I hope you enjoy it, the drama is about to go down! I wrote all of it extensively. Are you excited?!

Just to clarify the timeline a little bit, cause I decided to actually add it this chapter is happening post the first avengers movie pre  winter soldier so it's somewhere in between those. As the story progresses so will the timeline.


An inch from my face, he was so close, too close. And instead of me getting warm from the emotional breakdown I was experiencing it felt as If I was about to freeze on the spot.

 It was enough for him to see the intimidation in my eyes to start speaking. His eyes reflected his anger as he was gazing through my mind browsing my fears. Finally, his lips started moving to shape each word slowly, a bit of shock mixed with an underlying tone of disappointment: 

-"You. Are. Pathetic" 

He said accusing, shaking. I was doing the same. He moved his arms and his body away from the chair in which  I was traped. The room seemed to be shaking with him. I sensed immense anger.

 "Say IT!" he yelled.

  The cloak moved swiftly as he turned his back to me. The now flickering light of the lamp made Loki look like a nightmare walking. An elegant murderous grace. Looking over his shoulder in distraught he said:  

" When I speak I expect people to obey-to answer."

 I hate this man, or should I say better, God.  That was all I could think of. The realisation of that alone-he is a God- illustrated how crushed my chances of escape are, now all I can really do is fool myself in order to feel better. All I have left is hope, blind hope, that someone something will rescue me. How do I escape a God? The odds seemed terrible. My previous schemes to get sympathy and trick my captor are useless. U can't trick a God of mischief. The hopeless situation further agitates me to the brink of hateful tears now rolling down my eyes.

"You can't even speak. You are a pathetic little human, Arent you?"

"Yes. I am." I blurted out, barely audible trying not to piss him off more.

 Loki settles down and so does the room. The world gets silent for a brief moment, and then he snaps his fingers. I feel a huge relief on my wrists and breathing from the lack of restraints but not for long. At the same moment, I feel him grab me by the arms and lift me into the air. 

I let out a loud screech at the force of it. My voice is rusty and my throat is dry. He pushes me against the wall, sliding his hands up to my neck, looking straight into my eyes.  I can barely breathe, I start wheezing while fighting to catch my breath. His hands feel like ice against my skin.

 " Fight! fight !fight!" Everything in me says fight, I start kicking and trying to move his arm or scrape an injury. Like a stone wall, the God, tens of times stronger than me doesn't even flinch. He releases his grip a little so I can stay alive long enough to hear him speak: "A mere mortal. How pathetic. You are an insult to me, really. YOU people a match for me? I will end you, after all, that's all your miserable human lives ever amount to..." He said, his words like poison, mocking me. In all the shock, as I was fading away, I could barely hear his words growling in spite "You are nothing!Nothing!" with such intensity that I can't help but wonder was he convincing me or himself. 

A dark curtain fell onto my eyes, my lungs tightened from the lack of air. Then a loud sound brakes the scene. Fresh warm air suddenly grazes my face as Lokies arms lose their grip on me. A shot.  I fall on to the floor with a loud thud. I struggle to regain my vision as I cry out in pain caused by my old head injury now bleeding out. The pain added to the burning of my wrists and neck. Insufferable. I tried to recollect myself. There was a lot of noise, I couldn't distinguish it from the loud ringing in my ears. My head felt like it weighs a ton but I still tried moving, crawling out of the mayhem that was happening around me-walls braking, alarms going off, a fight between what I can only assume was Loki and and someone unknown.

 I crawl as my vision clarifies. I muster up the strength to stand but stay low to avoid the rain of bullets that are now flying everywhere, people attacking Loki dressed in green and red military-like outfits are scattered all over the room. They don't seem friendly but also didn't seem to register me. They were focused on Loki.

 "Атака" -The one on the left said.

- "You can't hurt me, your arrogance knows no bounds, don't you know who you are up against?"-Loki exclaimed.

 At the cue, the bullets started showering and men started howling towards him. Fast the people started dying one by one at Lokis hand. He stopped with a victorious grin after they were all on the ground, spreading his hands in the air to gesture at the commanders defeat. "Your men are all dead, now tell me, what does it feel to know your fate lies in my hands?" "I don't know, you tell me"- the man said in a strong Russian accent, whilst a shadow of a person formed behind him. "Узнайте, где он хранит тесаракт, и убейте его солдат ." He spoke to the shadow calmly.  At that sound like if a switch was pressed the man behind him started charging towards Loki. He punched him and Loki hit the floor bleeding from the force.

 Soon a rain of well-combinated punches and blocks from both sides follow. A tall man dressed in all black fought the god and was a match to his strength. He pulled a knife but it ended on the ground not soon after.  Loki fought back for a long while but at one point letting shock sway him for only a second, a second was more than enough for the other man to grab him by the neck and lift him into the air. The same way I was lifted. I felt the pain of that memory. 

Now is my chance to run, so I go for the hallway but a bullet flies blocking my way as soon as I'm out the door, I swiftly fall back, it missing me by a hair.Now I'm back in the room and I can hear the metal armed man shouting at Loki now in his clutches. " Где Тесаракт?!" He growled. "Bold of you to assume I would tell you that" Loki squealed trying to hold on this breath. I knew we were surrounded- my best bet of escape now is exactly the man who tried to kill me a half an hour ago.

Not ideal but for the lack of a better plan I gotta try and set him free. In a swift brainstorm, witch causes my head a lot of pain, I pick up one of the guns off of a dead soldier and aim at the metal armed man. I fire trying my best to aim right. It all happens so quickly, the bullet pierced his shoulder, blood soaking the black uniform, he collapses onto the ground. The freed god of mischief looks at me stunned at my actions, walking quickly towards me before the other man could get up. He wraps his arm around me holding pulling me close. In his other hand, he forms a glowing blue cube, as a dark soldier behind us reaches towards where we are standing the world suddenly dematerialises, It felt like jumping lightyears, or what I thought jumping lightyears looked.

 We were now in a completely different place. I felt like collapsing, he looks at me softly, his icy blue eyes calm for a change. 

-"You saved me mortal- What's your name?" was the last thing I heard before my legs betray me and the world goes pitch black.

Hi guys! ❤Choke me like you hate me, but you love me...Loki wanna date me... As I promised something a little longer,  things are about to get spicy, also we see Bucky's first appearance! Where did Loki take you, who was trying to kill him, what is gonna happen next. Please let me know what you think I value any feedback  😊💌

Hope you have a wonderful day! ❤

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