first christmas with you [mina myoui]

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[AN]Hello to my readers! It's my college break woohooo. Happy Holidays/ Merry Christmas! I hope that you all have a great day ahead and also take care of yourselves! If you are spending the holidays like myself, alone and all. Still have a great holiday, and drink some nice wine. My message thingy is open for everyone! If y'all need someone to talk to about your problems and /or just wanna talk. I'm here and you are not alone, I may not reply as fast but I will definitely reply. Now enjoy this Mina one-shot and be ready for more the next following days! Stay safe and wear a mask! Wash your hands too hehe. x

Let's go

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Let's go.

And also this is short. :)


It was a pretty busy week, everyone was buying presents, arguing with which food would go perfect for the holidays, what goes well with this outfit, what's the best decoration for the tree? Are the 25 boxes of 30 ornaments not enough for our tree? Should we prepare a playlist while we enjoy the night? My answer to that is no? What for??? Anyway, everyone's been trying to fix everything else and just trying to make sure that everything was going the way it was planned. Yet no one is as panicked as you. People may think you're overreacting, but they don't know the reason why.

It has come to my attention that my superstar girlfriend Ms. Mina Myoui, is joining me and my family(soon to be hers as well) for Christmas. OF COURSE I WILL BE PANICKING. Okay, my family is chaotic. They're like ticking time bombs whenever you take them anywhere that has peace, well I meant that in a good way. Mina on the other hand, is timid. She likes her peace, chaos doesn't sound like her cup of tea even if she has fun with the girls on tv and stuff. This one is different.

I'm currently writing down a list of what do I cook today in order so that I don't take up way too much time. A few minutes later, I realized that I was taking up too much time writing down everything when I should've just been prepping which has longer cooking time.

After doing most of my business, I decided to ask help from my family and hope for the best.

"Hey, can you prepare this stuff for me first?" He looks at the list I was holding and gave me a confused look.

"Who's going to be coming here? That is a lot of food man." He spoke, still having that confused look on his face.

"My girlfriend is coming, and I want her to enjoy a nice... 12 course meal..." He just rolled his eyes and started preparing the ingredients. Meanwhile I asked my little sister to decorate the cake that we just made and I heard no objections from this one. As we all gather around the kitchen, it's time for me to start cooking.


A few hours later, we were setting up the table, everything is all set, the music is beautiful, the Christmas tree is shining brightly, plus they were all looking their best. Except for me. I'm still having a hard time trying to think of what to wear. I decided to wear some slacks, since it's formal, white slacks, a salmon-coloured blouse polo-thing, and flats. Alright, I guess I'm good to go.

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