all is well [lee siyeon]

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No one's P.O.V.

"Strange," you thought. It was as if the world was playing tricks on you. Jeon Y/n, also known as Yangnyam (Yeah, as in yangnyum chicken...), is one of the top producers in this industry. You helped produce (G)I-dle's Lion with Soyeon herself, since she is your dongsaeng and being a music genius runs in your blood. Day6's Love me or Leave me with Young K, Leave it by N. Flying, and now you were given a chance to write an entire album with Dreamcatcher.

You are an Insomnia at heart, but this was work. As ecstatic as you were to be working with them, you had to remain as a professional at all cost. Hearing the news, it sent you over the moon, and fell asleep with a smile on your face.

Today was the day that you were going to meet 3/7 of Dreamcatcher; Jiu, Sua, and Siyeon. The maknae line and Handong have different schedules today so they couldn't make it. Walking into the studio with an Iced Americano as early as 7 am, you wanted to clean up a bit and make a good impression. The studio has been your life ever since, most of your things are already here, people often ask about why do you still own an apartment if you're in your studio-cave 24/7. As you checked your watch, you have approximately 2 hours to do whatever before they arrive.

You made your way to the booth to check if the sound system was okay and played a few tunes. Many have offered you a chance to become an idol. They saw huge potential in you and your passion for music, specifically because you're capable of producing your own songs. As you were about to accept the offer, your family business went downhill and you had to find ways to earn as you are the breadwinner. Luckily for you, one of the companies gave you an option to become one of their assistant producers and songwriter or a trainee, best part was you get to decide.

They weren't picky with you having a degree in music or not, they admired your skills and talent and that was what mattered to them the most. You had no choice but to find a way to earn money faster and that was the beginning of your journey to be one of the greatest.

You were once again too caught up in your moment that you didn't know three women had already entered the room, listening to you play Angel 2 Me by McKay and Jeff Bernat. You heard someone press the button and a soft voice filled your ears.

Your P.O.V.

"Hi Y/n-nim, Good morning. Sorry to disturb your moment but we just wanted to let you know we arrived early." Honey like voice? Definitely Jiu.

I immediately dropped the guitar and quickly exited the room. I was met with three stunning women. I bowed my head repeatedly as a sign of apology and also because of embarrassment.

"H-how long have you been here? I'm sorry you had to hear that." I spoke gently, trying to calm myself.

"Hahaha, it's okay! We are the ones who should be apologizing to you, we arrived earlier because we wanted to get to know you first and all." Jiu spoke, looking at you shyly and giving you that sweet looking eye smile.

"We're also sorry for bothering your recording session." Siyeon added, and gave me a soft smile.

"Dream of me, Hello! We are Dream- well 3/7 of Dreamcatcher. Please take care of us."

I smiled, finding the introduction adorable and also because it was your first time hearing it in person.

"Uhm, hello. I'm Yangnyam-PD, but my real name is Jeon Y/n, you can call me Y/n or Yangnyam. Whatever you are comfortable with. Please take care of me as well and I hope that we have fun." I gave them a smile and waved your hand.

"Jeon Y/n? Did you, by any chance, go to Changwon Girls Highschool?" Sua asked, looking at me with curious eyes.

"Yeah, that's me. Hello Bora, it's been awhile." I spoke, quite formally, afraid that she might say something.

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