Chapter 17

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"How the fuck is that the stars!? Like seriously"

You stared out the window crazy at the groups chatting. Reminder her a bit of dreamswap rivalry they had gone for on.... You sigh not even wanting to look anymore...

"It was weird enough that nightmare turned into that cute thing.... I mean.. I was fan girl if over it at first but... It's just gives me shivers now"

"Blue" Glanced at you with a murderous gin. You cringed a bit flipping him off leaving away from there... So he's like dust? Seems he still a malupitively little sh-

"Jeez.... I want to go home...."

"Your lucky day sweetheart"

"Oh fuck no"

"now now... Your the one who flicked me off when all I did was smile... Slate by the way"

'Smile my ass...'
"Uh huh... Totally... N/N"

"We were told he's original is nightmare right? That's the crown? Way different now..."

"Yes it is... He has one like this too... I'm sure dream has the old crown too... Well, paralyse I believe?" (Oh god... Watch this be wrong)

"Yes, that's his name"

"Uh huh..."
'I think I hate this one... Surprisingly'

"Who you... Ah, the girl"

"Huh? Oh, squ-I mean Clear"

"Where you gonna call me... Squid?"

"Don't worry about it... Just something I call my you... All bad guys do... I think it started with error though..."

"..... What?"

"Hm? Oh, error is filters og name.. You know, error? The destroyed of aus? Would be weird or be called filter, the destroyer of aus.... Seems you glitch like him"


"What wrong clear!?"

"Pft! Hahahaha! He couldn't handle being an art freak! Hahahaha!"

"Oh.... Whoops..."

A portal then opened making them look. 404 came in vision on the other side whiteness making your eyes widen. The male pulled you in with strings not caring about the other two

"Thanks for taking care of this issue"

"I'm not a damn issue!"

He rolled his lights as it closed. You huffed as he let you go and was pulled by someone else.... Error it seemed...

"Hey there"

"Oh thank god" Error holded your shoulders "I don't need the boss killing me"

"Hahahaha! That be funny! Im just glad to be back! Because that universe I was transfered to...."

"I... I don't want to know"

"Better be! Let's go home error! I'm sure nighty was totally worried"

"He was... He's actually pretty cranky"

"Eh?" You blushed a bit "I was joking..."

"Bye guys! Thanks for the help! Later father!"

"Bye error"
"See ya error"

"Nighty gonna flip"

Error groaned disappearing with you back. The gang was in the living room surprisingly.... Welp... Surprised ruined.... Nightmare turned as error went away to killer... He grabbed the side of your face rubbing noses... You giggled blushing some like him... The others grinned st the scene....

"I'm home Nighty"

"Welcome back... Y/N"

The End!

(Sorry for mistakes)

(I think this is a good ending I hope... I'm not good at Xreaders soo.... This is the best I can do... Especially not having thought process for it)

Secret Queen (Sanscest/Nightmare x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now