Chapter 10: The Pillars

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Director Faireborne contacts Optimus demanding him and the Autobots to return to Underbase immediately, saying that he's got some explaining to do. Optimus then orders the Autobots to transform and return to base followed by Arcee asking Optimus why they don't just go after the Decepticons pointing out how they're getting away with the pillars. Optimus tells Arcee that it's Director Faireborn's orders and that she wants to speak with him. Optimus then transforms into his truck mode and drives off and the other Autobots follow suit. We then cut to team prime returning to the Underbase where Director Faireborn demands Optimus to explain what's going on, why sentinel suddenly decided to make friends with the Decepticons and take the pillars with him pointing out how Optimus now let TWO Autobots go rogue under his watch. Optimus then transforms into his robot mode and tells Director Faireborn that Sentinel is under the misguided belief that allying with the Decepticons will help save Cybertron, and he killed both Ironhide and the twins. we then see Kicker looking at a photo of himself and Ironhide on his phone before slamming his fist into the wall, saying that it's not fair. Carly tries to comfort Kicker, telling him that they all lost someone they cared about: she lost Jazz, Spike lost his father, and now Kicker lost Ironhide. Spike notices the two getting a little too close to each other and gives off a look of Jealousy. Optimus then starts sulking saying that maybe Sentinel was right all along... Maybe he was never meant to be a leader. Bumblebee tells Optimus not to say that, pointing out how Optimus believed in him when no one else would. Elise points out that they do still have both the Allspark and the Omega key so not all hope is lost. Ratchet agrees with her saying that she does have a point. Meanwhile Chip looks at his laptop to see Energon signatures coming from National Mall, Washington saying that it must be the Decepticons. Bumblebee then whips out his stingers, saying that he's eager to give Mirage a second beating. Optimus tells Bumblebee to stand down, saying that he needs to face them on his own. Bumblebee asks Optimus if he's crazy followed by Optimus telling Bumblebee that that this is his fight and his alone, this must be no one else's burden to bear but his. Optimus then attaches his jetpack and flies off before we cut to Megatron, Shockwave, Astrotrain, Mirage, and Sentinel arriving at the Lincoln memorial to meet up with Soundwave who kneels before his master, soundwave congratulating Megatron on a successful mission. Megatron then destroys the Lincoln memorial with his fusion cannon and sits in the chair like a throne. Starscream and the seekers arrive on the scene and transform into robot mode to aim their weapons at Sentinel. Megatron orders the seekers to lower their weapons, informing them that Sentinel's on their side now. Starscream is confused by this, however Shockwave tells Starscream not to question Megatron's brilliance. Sentinel then whips out the pillars and flings them into five major cities: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, and the final pillar in none other than Spike's hometown of Mission City. However Sentinel notices Jetwing Optimus streaking across the sky followed by Optimus detaching from his jetpack to land in front of Sentinel before begging his old mentor to stop this madness saying that if he helps the Decepticons with enslaving the planet Humanity will be doomed. Sentinel scoffs at Optimus's heroism telling him "on Cybertron we were gods, but on Earth they call us machines" followed by Optimus telling Sentinel to not make him do this before whipping out his energon swords. Sentinel and Optimus then have an epic one-on-one swordfight while Megatron enjoys watching master and student fight telling Shockwave that he hopes they kill each other. Shockwave hopes the same before we cut to Sentinel pinning Optimus to the ground and holding his sword up to his former student's neck, telling him that this needs to be done if their race is to survive. Sentinel then activates the pillars opening a giant spacebridge to the moon in the sky. Megatron then gets up out of Lincoln's chair and calls out to the hidden fleet to join their brothers and sisters on Earth and help them crush the Autobot rebellion once and for all. We then see several ships and soldiers rise out from underneath the moon's surface and enter through the spacebridge before landing on earth causing chaos in five major cities at once (we even get a cameo from Spike's mother trying to hide from the commotion) before we cut to Spike and his friends along with Faireborne and Simmons watching as the Decepticons begin their large-scale invasion of Earth. Sentinel then spares Optimus and walks over to Megatron who sits back down on Lincoln's chair, leaving the rest to the hordes of Decepticon drones. Optimus then fights his way through several Decepticon troops but he his quickly outnumbered and beaten down only for Bumblebee, Ratchet, Arcee, Blurr, and Wheeljack arrive on the scene to blast through drones and save Optimus's skidplate. Optimus asks the other Autobots why they came when he specifically told them not to, and Bumblebee helps Optimus back up telling him that they couldn't let him take on that many Decepticons alone. Arcee tells Optimus that no matter what they'll always have his back. Optimus looks up to see several large Decepticon warships hovering above Washington, followed by Wheeljack saying "that's a lot of ships..." while Blurr zips around screaming about how we're doomed. A squadron of armored N.E.S.T. buggies arrive on the scene blasting their way through Decepticon drones followed by Lennox's team along with Spike's team arriving on the scene. Spike, Carly, Chip, and Elise are happy to be re-united with their Autobot partners while Kicker stands in the corner and broods still lamenting Ironhide's death. Soundwave then arrives on the scene to look at Bumblebee in the optics, asking him "you're the Autobot who killed both Ravage and Laserbeak, correct?" all the while Bumblebee readies his stingers, asking Soundwave what he wants. Soundwave then tells Bumblebee that he intends to settle the score by taking something he cared about as payback. Soundwave then extends two of his tentacles and grabs both Spike and Carly before all the Autobots are captured by Decepticon drones and brought forth to Sentinel and Megatron while Shockwave, Mirage, Astrotrain, Starscream, and the other Seekers watch from the sides. Optimus asks Sentinel what he wants. Sentinel tells Optimus that if he and his Autobots surrender and exile themselves from Earth Megatron will call off the Invasion and leave this miserable planet alone. Bumblebee tells Optimus not to listen to him, saying that this could be a trap. however Optimus not wanting to risk the lives of the humans he sworn to protect agrees to Sentinel's terms and shakes his hand, saying that it's a done deal. Sentinel then calls off the Decepticon soldiers and tells Soundwave to drop the humans. after Soundwave drops Spike and Carly who run up to hug their Autobot partners followed by the Decepticons retreating. Director Faireborne watches this from the TV screen and is in disbelief of what just happened, and Simmons tells her that he thinks there's gotta be some kind of catch, saying that they're called DECEPTICONS for a reason.

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