Chapter 8: Master and student

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We then cut to the Autobots driving through Washington D.C. driving past a bunch of excited Transformers fans (including Agent Simmons in disguise who watches them from behind) before arriving at N.E.S.T.'s new base of operations, an abandoned underground military base located in a remote part of the woodlands of the Pacific Northwest. Spike and his friends hop out of their Autobot partners to check out their new surroundings, Spike commenting on how the place is quite the fixer-upper given how the place is covered in dirt and overgrown with vegetation. Chip tells Spike that this military bunker has been abandoned since World War II so it's understandable. the Autobots all transform into their robot modes with Bumblebee telling the humans that they should make themselves useful and to help unload equipment from the N.E.S.T. transport trucks so that they can get this place up and running: Chip and Wheeljack unload all the science equipment and sets up his new laboratory while Wheelie beeps and boops with excitement, Ratchet unloads all the medical equipment and sets up his new medical bay while the twins try to sneak up on Ratchet to pull a prank on him only for Ratchet to smack both of them upside the head with a wrench before they could get the chance telling them that he won't fall for that again, Blurr zips back and forth from the N.E.S.T. transport trucks retrieving equipment to set up the new obstacle course while Elise tries to suggest a name for their new base: since it is located underground, they should call it the Underbase. meanwhile Ironhide and Kicker unload all the weapons to set up the new armory before beginning target practice, Kicker blasting through cardboard cutouts of Decepticon drones with his twin pistols while Ironhide finally gets to test out the guns Wheeljack gave him out on cardboard cutouts of Shockwave, Starscream, Soundwave, and Megatron. Ironhide looks at the hole blasted through Megatron's chest wondering how he'd fare against the real one before we cut to Spike walking up to Carly while reaching for the ring box in his pocket, saying that there's something he's been needing to ask her before they are interrupted by Bumblebee who tells the two lovebirds to save the chit-chat for later, telling Spike that N.E.S.T. personnel needs his help transporting the Allspark into the vault. Carly kisses Spike for good luck before Spike leaves to join the other N.E.S.T. agents in helping unload the Allspark from the transport truck before placing it inside a machine built by Wheeljack that uses the Allspark's energy to provide the base with power causing the newly-installed TV monitors to turn on followed by Wheeljack shouting "ta-da! now the place has working lights". Bumblebee looks at Arcee and tells her that it's clear that the two share a strong bond, and Arcee tells him that it's almost like humans have a Conjunx Endura of their own. meanwhile Optimus looks at the Omega key only for Sentinel to immediately recognize the relic Optimus is holding in his hand and asks him where he got that. Optimus tells sentinel that he found it on Earth, in the custody of N.E.S.T.'s siberian branch before it was destroyed by the Decepticons. Sentinel tells Optimus that the Omega key is the key to activating the Ark's transformation into Omega Supreme, last of the Omega Sentinels which were titanic machines built by the 13 during the age of primes as an intergalactic peacekeeping force to protect the free galaxy from those who threatened to harm it. most of them were destroyed during the war, except for Omega Supreme who transformed into The Ark. Sentinel goes on to say that Omega Supreme was the Autobots trump card against the Decepticons capable of obliterating entire armies and is the only one capable of destroying the Decepticon titan Trypticon, which is why he became the ship's captain and took off into space with it to ensure that the Decepticons never find it. Sentinel then swipes the Omega key from Optimus's hand, telling Prime "you are unworthy to wield such power. you doomed our home planet of Cybertron by launching the Allspark into space, you let a double agent like Mirage into the Autobot ranks which resulted in the destruction of the Metroplex that almost got all of us killed. you have brought great shame to the Prime legacy, I have no idea what Alpha Trion saw in you but I always knew you weren't ready to inherit the responsibility of leading our people. maybe Megatron was more worthy of the matrix after all..." Bumblebee comes to Optimus's defense, Bumblebee telling Sentinel that Optimus is a great leader who has stuck by their side through thick and thin. Arcee, Ironhide, Blurr, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Ratchet, and Wheeljack along with their human allies Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise all join bumblebee one by one to stand by Prime's side and vouch for their leader. Sentinel shakes his head in dismay, telling Optimus that he fails to understand why they are so loyal to him after all the mistakes he's made before walking out of the room. Ironhide then turns his head and asks Optimus "so what's his problem?" and Optimus tells Ironhide that Sentinel has an old-school way of thinking, saying that he's used to treating his soldiers as subordinates rather than as friends and equals. Ironhide then asks Optimus if he can give him a taste of his own medicine before whipping out the guns that Wheeljack gave him, and Optimus tells Ironhide to calm down telling him that Sentinel may be very rough around the edges but he senses that there is good in his spark. Ironhide puts his guns away, growling in disappointment before we cut to a familiar helicopter landing in front of the Underbase, Director Faireborn and the commandos then exit the chopper and move out of the way of Sentinel Prime's massive feet to avoid getting stepped on by the 30-foot-tall robot, Faireborn asking Lennox what his problem is. after that, we cut to the wreckage of the Metroplex in Diego Garcia where we see Trypticon transforming back into the Nemesis allowing the Decepticons to board the flagship before taking off. Megatron returns to sitting on his throne before Shockwave and Soundwave enter the throne room. Shockwave informs Megatron that Soundwave has detected the coordinates of the pillars, followed by Soundwave telling Megatron that they have been detected in the Autobots new base in a remote forested location on Earth known as the Pacific Northwest. Megatron is pleased to hear this, telling Shockwave to take his crew to Earth and bring back the pillars. Astrotrain, Junkheap, Runabout, Runamuck, and Mirage stand by Shockwave's side followed by Shockwave telling Megatron that it will be done.

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