Twenty One: Friends

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- Summary: Get in loser, we're going shopping -

Summer break for UA had started two days ago.

All that meant for Izuku was that he was able to work more hours during the day at the cafe. Since break had started, Izuku had been sleeping in his old apartment above his place of work, which meant he didn't have to worry about a 1-A student walking in on him without his mask on. 

Speaking of 1-A students-

Ding. The bell above the door of the cafe tinkled, and Izuku glanced up, freezing when he saw who was coming in. It was Uraraka, Tsu, Iida, Shinsou, Mina, Kaminari, Todoroki, and Kirishima. They were talking and laughing loudly, and when Ochako glanced up, her face lit up in a surprised smile.


Her call made the others around her turn to face him, confused. Izuku saw Todoroki's face morph into an expression of recognition, but the green haired boy prayed that he wouldn't say anything in front of his classmates. Izuku composed himself, smiling warmly at the group.

"Hey Ura! Fancy seeing you here!"

The brunette smiled at him, walking up to the counter. "It this where you work?"

Izuku shrugged, glancing down at his name tag, which read ZUKU. "Ya."

Behind Ochako, someone cleared their throat.

"Would you care to introduce us, Ura?"

The brunette looked embarrassed, turning back to her friends and nodding towards Izuku. 

"This is my friend Izuku. I met him at the sports festival."

The green haired boy smiled as the others introduced themselves. He already knew their names, but they obviously didn't know that. After they ordered their drinks and food, Uraraka turned back to Izuku, smiling.

"Hey, we were just on our way to the mall to get some things for our class trip this summer. You should come!"

Izuku tried to protest, but the others chimed in, insisting, until he eventually gave in. But only after Ochako convinced him that a certain angry blonde wouldn't be there. "It'll be fun, don't worry. Besides, this way you can meet the rest of our class!"

Izuku resisted the urge to say that he already knew all of their classmates, and had actually beaten them all up in the past, but he decided against it. Dropping the fact that he was a well known vigilante didn't seem like the type of thing to make people want to be friends with him.

Thirty minutes later, Izuku found himself standing in front of the rest of class 1-A (minus Bakugo), smiling and waving shyly at them. After introductions, everyone split up into small groups to do some shopping. Izuku found himself with Ura and Tsu, which was a little uncomfortable since they were holding hands and making lovey eyes at each other the whole time. Eventually, he managed to slip away, walking slowly in the direction of the exit. 

It was strange to be out in a crowded public setting. Izuku normally tried his best to avoid this sort of place, since it tended to attract attention from heroes and villains alike, and he didn't like being around when those fights broke out. Mostly because he felt useless, unable to help without revealing himself. But also because he found civilians fawning over All Might annoying.

Suddenly, Izuku felt someone throw their arm over his shoulder. A voice spoke close to his ear, low and raspy and all too familiar. It sent an involuntary shiver down the green haired boy's spine. He didn't dare glance up at the scarred face of Shigiraki as he felt a cold hand clamp around his throat. 

"I think it's time we had a little talk. What do ya say, Zuzu?"

"What do you want?"

The two of them were sitting on a bench underneath a small tree, off to the side of the mall. Izuku resisted the urge to glance around, wanting to find a 1-A kid, a pro hero, anyone who could help him. He knew that if Shigiraki wanted to, he could kill the boy in an instant. So why wasn't he?

"I'll get right to the point, Zuzu. I don't like you very much."

Despite everything, Izuku snorted. "Shiggy, I'm hurt! Did you come all this way to tell me something I already knew?"

The green haired boy could feel Shigiraki's anger growing, but he couldn't contain a small laugh from escaping his throat. The hand around his neck squeezed harder, causing Izuku to gasp slightly for air.

"The only reason you are still alive right now is because you can still be useful to the master. Otherwise you would be a pile of ashes, along with all of those friends of yours."

Izuku gulped. He wouldn't let Shigiraki hurt the students. He couldn't live with himself if that happened. Also, Aizawa would probably murder him.

"So let me get this straight Shiggy. You risk coming out in public just to tell me that you totally could kill me if you were allowed to? Seems kinda stupid to me."

Before Shigiraki could respond (or turn Izuku to ash) a voice behind them spoke up.

"Izuku? Who's that?"

Shigiraki gave one last squeeze on the boy's neck before standing up and walking away. Izuku rubbed his throat, turning to see a concerned Ura and a confused Tsu. Curiosity welled up inside him, causing the green haired boy to turn back to the villain, calling out to him.

"Shigiraki. What is All for One planning."

The blue haired man paused, turning a dark smirk on Izuku. "You'll know soon enough. Until next time, Zuzu."

Then he turned and walked away, leaving Izuku to stare in dismay after him.


(A/N) So this is both late and shorter than usual because I was driving back home today, and I can't exactly write while doing that. There might not be another chapter until this weekend, because I have family coming over tomorrow and Friday for holiday celebrations, but we'll see. Also, I have no idea how busy I will be next week, so we might not be back to a consistent posting schedule until the break is over. Sorry about that.

Notice any mistakes? Please let me know here! ->

Have any ideas? Share them with me here! ->

Girls, gays, theys, Doge, I bid you adieu.

It's nice to be home again :)

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