Eighteen: Uraraka

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- Summary: Izu makes a friend -

It was weird just being able to walk into UA without his vigilante gear on. Izuku kept expecting someone to stop him and tell him he wasn't allowed there. But slowly it dawned on him: no one knew him. No one knew he was supposed to be dead.

Except for Kacchan.

And that was why Izuku had brought his vigilante mask. Mei had tried to convince him that he would be fine, but the green haired boy had felt that he would rather be safe than sorry. So his voice changing mask was now safely tucked in the pocket in his hoodie (not his green one). 

The crowd of people unnerved him. Izuku kept expecting someone to see him and alert the school. But no one spared him a second glance. Well, except for Mei. 

She came bounding out of the stadium, a crazy smile on her face. People hurried to get out of her way as she made a beeline for Izuku, jumping at him and hugging him with a laugh. A startled gasp escaped his mouth as she stepped back, looking even more manic than usual. Izuku grinned at her. Most of the time, her manic energy wore him out, but he found himself needing it at that moment. 

"I'm so glad you came! This is gonna be so fun!"

Izuku nodded as Mei grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the entrance. There were a few heroes mingling around outside, and they looked like they were supposed to be on a patrol or something, but they honestly looked kinda bored. Izuku recognized Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods among them. He half wanted to run away and half wanted to get their autographs, but the decision was made up for him when Mei dragged him through the entrance into the stadium. 


The stadium was huge, and there were already UA students clumped together. Izuku saw Uraraka , Mina, Iida, Kaminari, and a few others out of the corner of his eye. He tried to avoid them as best as possible. The freckled boy didn't want them to figure him out. Luckily, Izuku didn't see Bakugo anywhere. Maybe he was late? That would be very Kacchan of him. 

"Where are you sitting?"

Izuku's attention was redirected to Mei, who had stopped walking in exchange for bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, smiling like crazy. A few of the other UA students were glancing at her worriedly, and Izuku smiled to himself. Mei was a monster. They should be worried. 

       -: Time skip to after Uraraka's loss cause I'm lazy :-

Ochako felt horrible. Here she was, on the phone with her parents, having to tell them that she lost. A part of her knew that her loss to Bakugo didn't make her any less likely to become a hero, but it was still hard. The brunette really wished one of her friends was there. 

As if they had been summoned, someone knocked on the door. Ochako said goodbye to her parents and went to open it. Expecting someone like Iida or Tsu, she was surprised to be faced with an unfamiliar green haired boy. He smiled shyly at her.

"Uraraka Ochako, right?"

"Yes. Do I know you?"

The boy seemed to hesitate before shaking his head, smiling sheepishly. 

"No, but I just wanted to tell you that you did a good job today. Not many people could hold there own against Kac- Bakugo like that. I should know."

Ochako frowned, waving the green haired boy into the room. They sat down at the table inside, and the boy pulled out a small notebook from his bag. 

"Do you... do you know Bakugo? You sound like you two have some history."

The boy froze before nodding slowly, looking slightly worried. 

"Ya, we grew up together. Just... please don't tell him you saw me here, ok? He- wouldn't take it too well."

The brunette nodded, understanding. "Was he mean to you growing up?"

The green haired boy laughed humorlessly. "You could say that, yes."

"Well, I'm sorry to say he hasn't gotten much better. He still seems like a huge dick to me."

This got a real laugh from the freckled boy. "Actually, I would say he's mellowed out quiet a bit since... since we were younger."

Ochako wondered what he was going to say, but she didn't push. She found that she liked this boy- he seemed sweet, and he had this aura about him. He seemed like a person who could befriend almost anyone. 

"Hey, can I get your number?"

The boy frowned before nodding, scribbling some numbers onto a corner of his notebook and passing it to her. Then he stood up and headed for the door. But Ochako felt like she had forgotten to ask something. Oh, ya.

"Wait! What's your name?"

The boy seemed to think about that for a few seconds before smiling at her.

"You can call me Izuku."


(A/N) So I've been trying to work a bit on this story while on vacation, so here's a half-assed chapter. It's a little shorter than usual, but I wanted the next bit to be it's own thing. Next up: Todoroki time!

Notice any mistakes? Please let me know here! ->

Have any ideas? Share them with me here! ->

Girls, gays, theys, Doge, I bid you adieu from the cold snow.


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